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Monday, May 3, 2010 6:37 PM
So ive learnt these 3 songs in one day, more specifically 2 and a bit hours. - Hello Goodbye by the Beatles on piano - Hello by Lionel Richie on piano - Baby by Justin Booby on guitar and piano I do plan to upload these on youtube but definitely not anytime soon! Its going well but i just need to practice, practice and PRACTICE SOME MORE! Its gonna be a while so dont hold your breath. I hate Justin Booby but he's songs are catchy and Joshua Wicker's vrendition (thanks to Kazza's blog) is so freaking awesome that i must try it out. Also, with that Hello Goodbye song, i plan on begging my sister to do it with me. When we re watched glee on tape, we sang it all night. Harmony and melody- and it sounded very awesome. Hopefully she agrees. OMGOMGOMGOMG! SHE GOT ME JUNIOR MINTS! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH! Hmm, today was...surprising. Honestly, last week was surprising too- now that i think about it. I dont like it. :( <$BlogItemBody$> |
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