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Sunday, April 25, 2010 11:38 PM

I should wear out my Dr Martin 1460 shoes before they get too small. I love them.

$15 bucks baby. Op-shopped it. Well my dad did :D

Taught Lisa to play Hey Stephen by Taylor Swift on guitar through Skype. Man, that was hard. HAHHA! Her mic didnt work so we chatted on msn and looked at each other through Skype. She could hear me but i cant hear her! hahah. Funny.

I wanna get this stupid Exegesis over and done with man. My goodness gracious me.
I cant write this damn thing!

We lent my cousins the harddrive with all the movies and now me and judy have nothing to watch this long weekend. Honestly, it doesnt feel like a long weekend.

Hopefully something interesting happens tomorrow.

I love being old school. I imagine myself with a red pencil skirt (the casual type) with a star wars top, my hair like the one in my facebook picture with old school sunnies and a nice summer hat to top it off. Then imagine me on an old school bike, riding on the streets. How awesome would that be. And then im with a bunch of friends lying on grass in some safe park and looking up to the sky and watching the clouds go by. And maybe have a bbq or a picnic! Man, we should do that on a nice day.

Man i wanna go cloud gazing.

Nah Im kidding. Something more like this:

And then go home when the sky's like this:

All photo's were taken by me, copyrighted by me and yadda yadda.

I want a slushie! Or a squishee! EVEN BETTER! with a complimentary can of Duff beer!

Remember that episode in The Simpsons? Haha, that was funny :)



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