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Friday, April 30, 2010 2:20 PM


I dont see you changing (cough cough...SMOKING) when youre lecturing me to change of how scared i am to go into the city by myself at night.
Why should i do something when you cant change yourself? Why lecture me about all this absolute shit where both of ours could possibly lead to death? Hm?

And then you lecture me about if i keep this "scarediness" on then my adulthood will be ruined? You believe that i won't step up to "braveness" anytime soon? Youve seen me grow up and youve seen me change throughout my childhood! What does that fucking prove huh? It tells you that i progress slowly. But yes, i progress. So shut the hell up and stop making me lose my voice.

Whoever tells you to change something about yourself, screw them. Live your life however you want to live it. And change if you feel that its necessary. Don't change cause someone told you to. Especially fucking hypocrites. Theyre the worst kind.

Oh and by the way, i dont mean to be rude or bitchy but theres this dude friend of mine from primary school who just broke up with his girlfriend. I think theyve been dating for 3 months? Or 4 months? Something like that. Then he posted on facebook: "You took my heart and you smashed it into a thousand pieces :'(" A little melodramatic right? But i understand him. But honestly, they were so annoying. Them as a couple- not separately. If i knew them well enough, then i wouldve said "OMG< SO CUTEE" But no, they were plain annoying. You know those people who have a bf or gf and then they publicise basically everything about each other? For example:
- I LURVE YOU (tag name) <3<3<3
- HAPPY FOUR MONTHS BABY!! <3<3 xxxxxx

And then there are those posts where they say how they fell and you can immediately link it to their relationship:
- The things i do to try to be with you (OK, this one is sweet actually. I love that)
- What am i supposed to do now? :(
and all that other shizz.

My God, when you publicise your whole relationship on facebook, the whole world will read it and dear oh dear, it is ANNOYING! We understand your in "love" but jeez louise, tone it down or go on msn for freaking sakes.
And also, doing crap like that can ruin a relationship too! Evidence: Demi Lovato on Twitter.
Ha! You thought i was just making judgement and ha! Proved you wrong with evidence! Oh yeahhhhh.

Anywho, gonna take a nap. Cant be screwed going out.



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