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Thursday, April 22, 2010 6:08 PM

Today was a good day.
- sat at the front today
- fire drill!
- methods, i do not understand you
- info tech: chris how dare you make a move on me! BAHAH
- media: animating now
- re: urgh

I give up. If people dont want to go Formal then its fine with me.

Info tech was fun and boring so i guess that averages to an "ok". I come in and the first thing Ianne says to me: I feel naked. HAHA. I sort myself out while still standing and then Chris comes and leans over my shoulder with his hand on my other shoulder asking "Hey Jenny, did you finish the presentation yet?". Ian said something to Ianne but i didnt hear what he said but they laughed so i knew it was something about me. So i butted in and said "What you say?" and they were fully in hysterics. Chris knew but then i cant remember what he did. All i remember was that he did something and said "Nah, dont worry haha" and then walked away. I kept bugging them but they just told me to not worry. When you know that someone was talking about you that was laughable, youd want to know and especially a person like me who wants to know things or else it will bug me for the whole day! Ian finally told me "Omg youre gonna hit me! But it looked like he was making a move on you! HAHA" Then i went into hysterics. BAHAHA! Ahh, good time.

People get mistaken by my usb canister- its the mini M&M canisters that come in different colours. They actually think theres lollies in there so they just take it while i just continue my work cause i know theyll be back saying "What the?". Yeah thats right! MWAAHAHA!

Talking on msn is getting boring cause no one replys. Unless its just me. Oh God, thats sad. DAW, no one wants to chat :(

Me and some dude: ....
?#1 enters room: NO ONE BLOODY SAID HI TO ME!
?#2: HI!
Omg you bitch.

I cant find anyone i can talk to yet. Cause i know whatever i say, Ill be judged.

Rehearsals were run by Collins today. It was good. Thank God i didnt perform in the scene we did today cause then i wouldve had to perform in front of everyone! Oh, how scary. Im not loud so i know ill be getting a lot of: OMG YOU ARE SO KELSI! HAHA. I dont blame them cause its true. But i will be performing in the next scene.
Collins gave us good feedback and was fun about it. Whereas Bernardo: That was great! No comment. It was funny cause all the teachers looked like they were pissed cause of the time/schedule. I overheard Vella saying: Im gonna tell him that i cannot do this cause 45 minutes of dancing is nothing and pointless. Today we danced (not me cause im playing the piano) for an hour and a bit. AMAZING! And we got a lot done during that time. With Collins everything goes right but with Bernardo, its a complete mess despite how prepared you are.
I helped Genevieve with her lines while i sat down the whole bloody time.

I feel like having a Harry Potter marathon. Oh i know- next holiday. All movies in one day and one night- thats right from 12AM-12AM. so if its like 2 hours max for each movie and theres like 6 movies out then thats 12 hours. Plus break (2 hours), sleep(3 hours), eat (2 hours) and net (1 hour) thats a total of 20 hours. Nice. Its gonna be an awesome holiday.
Thats gonna be my reward from exams.
Man after that marathon my sleeping pattern is going to go berserk!
I remember doing the marathon last year. I think it took 4 days. HAHAH!

Anyway, off to watch TV and possibly study at the same time. Hmm..Standgen, eco and double methods classes tomorrow. HW: methods as second priority and RE SAC notes as first priority. Third: Media.

OH YEAH! I got 96% for my IT SAC! WHOO! 2 marks taken off! OH YEAHH! :D

- IT SAC next week (database) Tuesday
- RE SAC next week (exegesis) Thursday --> Get notes done by Sat+Sun. Prepare on Monday.
- STANDGEN SAC in 3 weeks (Chaps 1+4) Tuesday --> Get cheat sheet done (10 pages).
- METHODS SAC in 5 weeks (CHaps 4,5,6) Wednesday --> Get cheat sheet done by 16 May (Sun) and study for 2 weeks.

- English (written essay)
- Religion (written- essay?)
- Methods (maths)
- Standgen (maths)
- Media (?)
- Economics (written- essay?)
- IT (written)




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