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Saturday, April 24, 2010 12:17 AM
Just finished watching Sweeney Todd. OH MY OH MY! Never knew it was a musical and the songs were amazing! "I feel for you, Johanna" I wanna watch it again but its too late. Ill just go borrow the soundtrack at the library tomorrow. OH OH! REMINDER: Watch cellular on GO! I think its @ 8:30PM. Just check the TV guide. The original was a Chinese movie called Connected which is bloody funny and awesome. I watched it on the plane and my god, it was awesome. I felt bad for the person who was sitting in front of me cause i kept kicking the seat due to hysterics. Sorry matey! Im learning how to Skype for Lisa's sake- wants to learn guitar :) Had to walk the long bloody way home cause tuan was there. He fucking ran from philip's house to cornwall rd just to say hi to me. THATS HOW FAR AWAY WE WERE! THAT NUTTER! SOON OF A CREEP. I turned to avoid him finding out where i lived. Lets backtrack<<- Last year he and Minh were walking with me and out of the blue he asks me if they can know where i live. i said no. FUCK NO! Understand the situation now? Honestly, its better to over react to situations than to be under reacted? Is that right? Oh whatever. I was being cautious to my family and well my privacy. Hmmm...any other news?? I was sad today. I guess thats it. <$BlogItemBody$> |
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