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Wednesday, May 12, 2010 7:21 PM

Hey yo bitches! Attention on moi please!

OMG I KNOW! Its a bit too much but if i tie it half half like Sailor Venus, it looks really good!
Thank you again Olivia for getting it for me! This morning was funny as! AHAH.

New upload! Check it out! GO GO GO GO!

Chuck is almost on! Finally!! They finally air it on TV. Been waiting since The O.C for this to come out! Well not really. I kinda forgot about it during the last couple years till this year. I saw the advert a couple days ago and i was barking mad screaming with glee! HAHA. I knew i shouldve watched it on the airplane last last year.

Overall, shit day.
I hate reminders.
Sucks cause its everywhere.

RUSSEL! YOU ASS HOLE! you were meant to sing it with me but noooo....nah its all good. YOU WERE TRES AWESOME TODAY! It sounded so pretty!

I havent done any homework all last week and this week but i promised myself to finally do some methods work cause im pretty behind. So i finally brought some books home to BELT DOWN AND STUDY MY ASS OFF! Yeah honestly, i dont really see that happening.

OMG my parents are listening to the viet SBS radio right now. How am i to watch Chuck now? We ony have that freeview thing in the living room TV!! AHHHH!
And i cant watch it online cause im almost capped. Stupid Youtube! Nah, i love you.

Isnt this picture tres awesome? My friend's in it- DEVY P.K

Au revior!



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