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Sunday, May 9, 2010 8:01 PM


Woke up at bloody 8AM on a perfect sunny Sunday morning. Remember the Maroon 5 song? Sunday Morning? AHH..

Wait, let me tell you the beginning.

Woke in the morning feeling like absolute shit. Get it? Its in the tune of Kesha's Tik Tok song. HAHAH. Anyway! Woke up for english tutor which i did not want to go to (as per usual). Went to tutor, all was well. Then went home to change into work clothes (Im usually already changed but seeing as my mum hung up the clothes the other night, they needed more drying so i had no wear normal clothes to engtu instead).

Went to work hoping everything to be normal. But i had a shit day. I just kept screwing up and i couldnt communicate with customers properly- "Hi how are you?" "Good thanks" "Did you need anyway help with sizes at all?" "No we're fine." "Sure, no pro-worries" My words were muddled up! Like in Mean Girls where Lohan goes "Grool!" OMG. It happened for the whole day and i just kept embarrassing myself and making me feel useless. Cause whenever i work with the boss, she just watches me with hawk-ish eyes and it makes me feel uncomfortable. Honestly, im not at communicating with people. So it sucks. When i work with the other chick, shes nice. Im comfortable around her but when the boss and chick are together, they talk about my incompetence. I know cause they told me. Look, im trying really hard. Actually im just trying but i feel so useless! I need to take action and step up. MY HOROSCOPE TOLD ME ABOUT THIS MAN! FB HOROSCOPES ARE ACTUALLY TRUE! ITS SO FREAKY! FOR ONE WHOLE WEEK, THEY WERE ABSOLUTELY TRUE! Anyway, overall i had a shit day.
Cousin came over and then i noticed: He comes into the store whenever i have a shit day. So whenever i have a shit day, ill know hes coming. We hung out for a bit until i was called to help a customer.

Work finished, and i restrained myself from spending money to buy a bubble tea for the walk home! So proud.
Took a shower and then changed for church.
Church, then home.
Then got ready for Olivia's party.

I came at 7 something and everyone had already eaten. I come in and everyones just staring at me! They look me up and down (typical). I was proud cause i finally wore my doc martins out! AHHH! Theyre so hot! Helen and Olivia were the only ones who were inviting and talked to me. My goodness how i felt out of place. But Vi and Karen soon came over! THANK GOD! Hung out with them for the rest of the night. Also with Denise too! Thank you for eating with me. And Olivia, the food was awesome!

Went home at 9:30PM while other people stayed back till early morning (from what i recall). Went to cousins to play games till 12:30AM. Fun :) But i was dead tired and i kept losing in mario kart. Man, i seriously suck.

So i came home, changed for the 5th time that day! MY GOSH! HAHAH.
Went to bed.

Woke up at 8AM that morning. And i seriously couldnt open my eyes! It was like Religion class! AHAHA.
Got ready and didnt know what to wear. So i just put on trackies, pink shirt and blue jacket. With my pretty tommy shoes. Out the door!

It was so packed man! But now i found a beautiful place to have a picnic! And as a bonus, its near Botanical Gardens!! CHYEAHH!
It was so much fun! I walked with my dad talking about the most random shit. And omg, there were hot blokes there man! They werent asian (I mean, c'mon. You think there would be asians there? no offence). They were aussie guys and my gosh, they were hot. OMGOMGOGM! there was this one guy- he was handing out raffle tickets and man, HE WAS SO BLOODY HOT! Id totally go for him if i didnt look like a little kid.

We walked around botanical gardens and omg, it was absolutely beautiful. I found a nice place to live to! YAY! Now to save up the money.

We finished all tired so we went to get a massage. It was free! And omg, they were brilliant! I would pay them but luckily they dont take money. HAHAH!

Went to eat Pho after that!

Today was a brilliant Mother's Day. Awesome quality time with mother dearest!



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