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Wednesday, May 5, 2010 7:42 PM
To those who i laugh like crazy at- you are the people who know me well. I love to laugh. Who doesnt? I laugh at the most randomest crap. The most un-funniest stuff are the most funniest things to me. If you watch the OC, youll know what im talking about: "Maybe you have the SUMMER flu and you should take some ANNAbiotics" I laughed for a good 5 minutes on that one quote from Ryan. I was in a good mood. So then i said to my dad "Hey dad, whats up?". He didnt answer. I asked again "DAD! Whats up?!". He still didnt answer so then i understood that he didnt understand what i was saying. So i said "Dad, 'whats up' means 'how are you'." So then he made the "ohhhhh" face. That was when i dared him to do say "what up!" to Judy when she comes home from UNI. I taught him the actions- gangster movement and the way to talk. HAHAHAHA. The first time he did it, i almost pissed my pants cause it looked soooooooo HILARIOUS! Then i told him to do it again and again and again and again. OMG, i was literally rolling on the floor laughing. To be more disgusting- it was on the kitchen floor! Not that it was dirty or anything, but you know, kitchen, food, rubbish. Im gonna get his subaru hat, get some bling, get trackies and one of his sport jackets and make him do that whole "what up!" thing to JUDY! OMG ITS GONNA BLOW ME TO PIECES. WARNING- IF IM NOT AT SCHOOL TOMORROW, IVE PROBABLY KILLED MYSELF FROM MY OWN LAUGHTER. Its seriously THAT funny. Oh, hope auditions went well for everyone who auditioned! Best wishes, yadda yadda....I'll be cheering for you! :D Oh right! You know how i wrote up yesterdays day and how it was a bludge day, well today i had a methods day. I did 5 periods of methods and one period of I.T- Sac. I swear to God, no one knows what theyre doing in I.T. I think no one understands. Simon probably does but whatever. Im writing absolute bullshit and it looks like everyones understanding what they need to do. It bizarre cause people look so productive during class, outside class- "ey dude, what the fuck did you do for this q?" "I dont even know! I dont get any of this shit man!" I totally understand. I quote Ian- WE'RE FAAARRKKKED! Hmm, i wonder what day it will be tomorrow? All i know is that i should really be doing my work. Need to be more enthusiastic about school work! YAYYY! SCHOOL! HOMEWORK! oh deary me. <$BlogItemBody$> |
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