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Tuesday, April 20, 2010 7:44 PM
OMG i hate guys who are nice to me! Why? Cause then it makes me like them or at least have a tiny thing for them. Was feeling left out at the musical today, again. Break had just begun, all of us going out of the PAC. I was with Ianne and then Minh comes up and says "hi" in his annoying voice and continuely says "hi". I pretend to not hear and ignor him. Then he says, and i look at him "YOu dont say hi to me anymore" Then he mumbled something i couldnt quite make out. But the point is: HE IS SO ANNOYING. I chose not to say hi to you, get over it and leave me alone. Im constantly ignoring you, isnt that a sign? Then he leaves, i turn to Ianne and grunt. Then i turn around, PC's pointing at me. Turns out Jacky asked him "Hey, who shouldi scare next?". Jacky, you scare me again, you will regret it. Anyway, all of the break, i was looking around, bored as hell. Break finished, we went into the PAC and then Aaron asks "what wrong?". I said "nothing" then turned around to check out this switch on the fire extinguisher. Then he asks again. Then he says "You dont want to tell me cause of this huh?" then he pursed his lips. Then i look, confused "What am i looking at?" "Dont you see it?". This went on for a while and then he finally told me that i wasnt talking to him cause of his pimple. What the heck yeah? I was thinking in my head "Dude, im not gonna not talk to you cause you have a pimple!" HAHAH. We started acting- I had no part in the scene whatsoever. So i was just sitting there bored shitless. Just as we were wrapping up the scene and day, i yawned so i was teary looking and my eyes were probably red. Aaron comes up to me and asks "Hey, are you okay?" I said "Yeah, im fine." Then i looked down at my script and then he sits next to me for the rest of the session. Bernardo said that Collins will be taking us on Thursday in my head i was celebrating, fireworks, alcohol! I WAS THAT HAPPY! So the day ended, we got up and made our way outside. Aaron was really nice and said that if i ever needed to talk about anything i could come to him. Very nice of him but im sur ehe wouldnt want to hear me chatter away about my problems. Thats what this blog is for! HAHAH! Now im thinking he thinks im some chick with a lot on my mind who is sad. Im a sad little girl to him now. Great. But thanks Aaron. When i know you better, Ill bombard you with everything!! Me, ianne and aaron walked out together laughing. It was nice. Haha. I know that sounds gay. They both left at the gate and i had to keep walking. And you wouldnt believe who i walked behind- PC and Lauren. Seriously God? Make me feel more down. So then i got out my phone and called my mum to pick me up. I swear, PC is really polite- he said hello how are you and all that polite shizz to Lauren's mum. I was thinking "WOAHHHH". But then i was like in my head "NO NO NO NO...KEEP WALKING". I was walking a bit slower waiting for my mum to pick up and then PC walks past on the grass saying "Bye Jenny" as he went to his car. That bye made me call my sister! LOL! A good bye from him is sad. I said bye back but whenever i talk to him i cant help but sound uninterested or bitchy. URGHHH! Such a pickle. Like today: I was on my way to Standard Gen class when i saw him. I walked part back cause i thought i forgot something but it turned out that i didnt need it. So then i turned back around and walked- he was now in front of me. He saw me at the corner and slowed down and said "I forgot my pencilcase" I laughed but didnt say anything more. If i dont like him anymore, i shouldnt be so scared right? EXACTLY! On the way to the bridge, i was trying to find Russel which i think he saw me looking all around like a freak. We walked to the bridge where he opened the door for me cause my hands were full. And then the bell rang! FUCK! If im ever late to class, i get a detention. We were almost to class but still on the bridge. I sped walked to class and luckily, no detention! PHEW! Wait, whats the point of telling you that story? SHIT, I DONT KNOW ANYMORE. In media class, i watched UP! instead of doing my work. But then again i was finished early so i could do my english which i ended up not doing it anyway. OOPS. Oh whatever, who gives a crap about english right? Hmm..any other news? OH, im more confident in wearing just my white shirt and skirt now. Im proud :) Musical sucks. The end. <$BlogItemBody$> |
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