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Saturday, March 13, 2010 9:53 PM

i had a good day.

Did well today. Worked with the manager. It was fun :) I was actually selling shoes and talking to people. Good on me. I deserve a pat on the back. Haha. Lindy wasn't there as much (Thank God!). However there was this new dude who was Lindy's friend. I forgot his name. OH YEAH! Andrew. I told him to get me balloons from the festival outside. HE GOT ME 3!!! OH YEAHHHH!!! awesome man.

I got home from work and man, i was beat! I WAS DEAD TIRED. I walked into the door, my dad was in his room lying on his comfy bed and says "How was work?" I snapped and said "SHUTUPP!!!" Im sorry dad.

I took a shower, went on the net, ate dinner (God dinner was good!!), went into my parents room to watch Over The Hedge but then i slept through it. Ahaha. Man, it was a good sleep. Woke up at 9:11PM (creepy much?) and then jumped on the net.

This week is gonna be an awesome week!
Monday: No classs Retreat Day. Oh crap, gotta make something for the class! Hmm..
Tuesday: Rehearsals after school
Wednesday: Full day but its life skills day (everythings cut short)
Thursday: Athletics Day. Rehearsals after school (Dear God, Im gonna be so tired!! But i have to go :( !!!)
Friday: Half day. Helen's birthday. Karaoke at K-Box anyone?
Saturday: No english tutor!! (Eff yeah!). Work till 5PM. Possibly Helen's party?
Sunday: Just like God, i shall rest on the seventh day.


YouTube suspended my account so i gotta make a new one. I forgot who i subscribed to! SHIT. I like my subscriptions!! :( Not gonna upload anything anymore. Waste of my time.



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