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Sunday, February 14, 2010 11:28 AM

lots of love and money for all!

I just noticed, for us asians, if you didnt have an awesome new years on 1/1, then you can practically redo it on chinese new year 14/2. Time to restart; daw, that was shitty. Time to restart again; effing awesome dudeeee!

My new years was probably the lamest one ever- sat in the living room watching the hills with my sister. BAHAHAH! Todays not going to be any different- eating hot pot at home and then going to cousins to eat again @4:30. The group got to hang out. Im bugged by it cause i wish i was there. Ive never been to the temple before!! My dad wanted to go tonight and so did i but misses didnt let us out. We had to go mass for goodness sakes.

My CNY's resolutions:
- hang out with the group more (outings)
- do not change my study habits (ive survived every year, why bother change? Itll probably stuff up my routine for the most important years ever)
- have more fun
- be less worried
- embrace homework!

oops, gotta cut this short. off to mass, again. and to make it worse- vietnamese mass. with the singing and photography and everything! bloody heck.



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