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Tuesday, March 9, 2010 9:00 PM

When in doubt, turn to YouTube.

Whether its for school tests:

Lite entertainment:

For amazing dancers:

To discover new artists:

To listen to awesome music:

When youre sad, happy, depressed, stressed or bored, YouTube is always there to keep you company! HAHA

I have no idea why i posted all that up. Honest to God, Im going weird.

I have been studying (very badly i might add) for my Methods SAC tomorrow. The Notebook is currently on. I wanna watch it and do crap on the net also but i honestly shouldn't. But i am. LOLZER!

By the way. It turns out that i can't go on the Mt Hotham trip like i wanted so badly. Bye bye pretty snow. Bye bye pretty snow boots. Bye bye mountains. Bye bye ski equipment. MAN IM SO PISSED THAT IM NOT GOING.

Had my Media SAC today. Went very well. Quite glad. Just wait till my mark comes back. DOOM DOOM DOOOOOM! Oh, English SAC score- 21 out of something. Cant remember. But i got all highs cept for one which was very high. Extremely proud.

Rehearsals. Let's see. Snu Snu wouldn't stop looking at me. FUCK YOU. PC is as gay as ever (im referring to both definitions. HAHA). Partly boring because we were singing over and over We're All in This Together, once we know that we are, we're all stars and we see that... Dancing was quite funny. Left feeling awesome! Cause i was listening to Planet Shakers and man, their songs are catchy to walk to. And there was wind blowing through my hair! AWESOMEEE BREEZZEEEE!

Ok, seriously off to study. But not too hard cause i dont want to be totally disappointed at my results. AISH!



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