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Wednesday, March 10, 2010 11:24 PM
BOO YOU ECONOMICS! check it! OOOOOOO!!! ♡ JENNY ALL MY LIFE LEGACI! News: - Methods SAC after school. - Went well - I was RAGING PISSED during Methods class - Tutor was interesting. I actually understood the work - McGinely doesn't like me very much - I got told off a couple of times from him (not directly but i knew it was pointed out to be to hear) - Started to give it a try and design outfits. - I'll make an entire blog dedicated to fashion (fav designers, my designs, looks, whatnot) - I LOVE MUSIC. I WOULD HAVE SEX WITH IT! BAHAHA - I found this pretty hot guy on facebook. And apparently he goes to my school and same year level. - I have never seen him before but would love to find out who he is. See if he's hot in real life like he is in his pictures (excluding school picture). - ATHLETICS CARNIVAL NEXT WEEK! OMGOMGOMGOMG. CANT WAIT! SO PUMPED! - I got my cousin's old treadmill so ill train on the weekends on it! - Actually ill run on Friday after school! - I need to go shopping - Insanely in love with Legaci <$BlogItemBody$> |
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