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Saturday, March 20, 2010 9:13 PM

So here it is:
Was meant to wake up at 9AM to go Footscray with mother but then ended up sleeping till 11AM because my muscles were too sore to move. My mum was fine with it (she's been very nice today).
I got ready for work (even though with all that muscle pain) then went to work. I actually had a good day. It's quite fun working with Emma. Lindy didnt stay for long! THANK GOD!!! OMG! I served a jazillion people non stop! IT WAS AMAZING! But then i got tired. OMG! I accidentally gave some customer two left shoes!! SHIT MAN! hahahaha. Emma told me the story and she was like "CAUGHT YOU!" hahaha. Funny shizz.

Break: Had errands to run. Had to go library, had to go news agency to buy a magazine, went around the shops to find a dress, eat. I did all that in less than half an hour! ARENT I AMAZING?

Mother had to come to pay for the dress cause i had no money on me. Then i walked home (bought a bubble tea! YUMMO) and then took a shower, yadda yadda.

Off to helens and now im home.

I heard like 3 gun shots outside. SO EFFING FREAKED.

Hmmm...plans for tomorrow: Movies, Highpoint Shopping (my beloved shoes), Methods homework. Im so behind in my methods.



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