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Monday, February 8, 2010 9:49 PM
JUDY'S COMING HOME TOMORROWWW!!! I keep slouching and now my back hurts like hell. :( For IT, we're learning how to make our own html layouts. It's fun but stressful when the codes dont turn out the way you want them to. Im finally understanding stuff but its just the IT theory homework that i dont like. So many questions! So little time! I dont wanna summarise chapter 1 of the economics book. You know why? Cause theres this whole summary section at the end of each damn chapter. He's making us waste our time by writing our own. I mean sure, it'll make us read the text and understand it but i just dont wanna write up another chapter summary!!! I feel like watching a movie right now. You know what? I shall go watch a movie. HMMM...what movie?? Note to self: Homework: - Economics Report (due in march) - Media Blog (not that important!haha) - Economics Notes (tuesday) - Info Tech CSS+HTML (screw it, do it in class) Tuesday: Start Economics notes Wednesday: TAYLOR SWIFT CONCERT!! FO SHIZZLEEEE!! :D Try to finish work in class (Methods and Standard) PC STATUS: He kept the door opened for me. I said "thank you" and that was it. Made my day! hahaah. ♥♥♥ <$BlogItemBody$> |
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