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Monday, February 1, 2010 3:42 PM

took this picture before i left for school

Started @ 11AM today and yet i woke up at 8AM. Wanna know why? I was downloading Arthur eps cause apparently, they no longer show it at 4PM anymore. Sad i know. So now, i can walk to school watching Arthur episodes! YAY! Starting from season 1. Did you know they have about 14 seasons? And its still continuing? THATS RIGHT! It began in 1996 and is still developing to this present day! AWESOMEE:DD

Info Tech is quite fun. Wont elaborate.

Hung out at our normal hang out place- the viewpoint. I feel like we need a different place though. Im kinda bored of that place now. Went to the library with Linda and Kellie. So fun!
'My dog peed on the aloe tree and it died' nice one Linda! ;)

English was boring. I was pretty much re living transition day again. Or was it like first day back? Well part of each. Mr Barr seems like a very nice teacher. I had his younger brother as a primary school teacher (yr6).

Economics was ok i guess. Karen, youre hilarious :D

PC Status: Still nothing :(
Hopefully tomorrow's better :)



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