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Saturday, January 30, 2010 12:19 PM
I♥PAYLESS SHOES It turns out, it wasnt an interview but more of a 'heres the job and this is when youll be working'! I FINALLY HAVE A JOB! I CAN FINALLY PAY FOR THINGS MYSELF! (i dont get allowance money- i wish i did though) I DONT HAVE TO TRUST MY SISTER ON BUYING ME STUFF! Im not actually sure about the pay just yet but i honestly dont care! I FINALLY HAVE A JOB! Patience sure is a bitch but damn is it a good virtue Does that make sense? HAHAHA! I havent told my sister or my dad about the phone call from yesterday cause i didnt want to jinx it, neither did i want them to know before i finally knew whether i got the job or not. Im still not going to tell them cause i want to prove my dad wrong and my sister, i want to surprise her with a gift or you know...buy her food in front of her face and surprise her then! Shes going Sydney on Wednesdy (im so sad cause now im gonna be home alone!!) and returning the week after. Hmmm...when should i tell her? OH OH! Now that i have a job, you know what this means? NO VIET SCHOOL Omg, i cant be bothered elaborating anymore. Too tired. You know what i figured? I blog about things that make me pissed off to much. Should i stop? Karen, im not sure if theyre still looking but it wouldnt hurt to apply anyway. <$BlogItemBody$> |
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