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Wednesday, October 21, 2009 7:36 PM

im not feeling too well. i dont think ill be eating eggs anytime soon. yuck.

i think i might just read over business shizz for my sac tmr and then watch dvds in bed. thatll make me feel better.

tmr is the evening of excellence! my parent are coming. great. hahaha. should be fun. i guess. OMG! that day is when theatre arts is doing lots of stuff and im not even gonna be part of it cause ill be sitting and waiting for my stupid award. damn. i wanted to be part of it. but i guess itll be alright cause of graduation coming up. yay! :D

im pretty proud of my physics test results: 15/18 or something like that. 3 questions wrong! damn man. ahah.

sigh. no one to talk to on msn. everyones too busy these days. sad sad.

check out this site: itwasthebestnightever.com

exam time is coming near! does that even make sense?
my exams:
- business management 2
- english
- maths
- religion
- physics
- humanities

my timetable:
17th nov:
- final day of classes! BOOYEAH!
- SESSION3 ; Business exam ; 1:30PM-3:10PM

18th nov:
- SESSION1 ; English exam ; 8:55AM-10:35AM

19th nov:
- SESSION1 ; Physics exam ; 8:55AM-10:35AM
- SESSION2 ; Humanities exam ; 11:00AM-12:40PM

20th nov:
- Aaron's birthday! S2
- SESSION1 ; Maths exam ; 8:55AM-10:35AM
- SESSION2 ; Religion exam ; 11:00AM-12:40PM

crap, now im freaking out about the exams.
shit! physics report! CRAP!



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