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Tuesday, October 13, 2009 8:26 PM

helen told me after lunch this at my locker "jenny, i like your lover" then i went "WHAT?" and then i didnt say anything but i just stared at her. then she said she was joking and i was still stoned looking. why in the world would y ou joke about something like that? i mean, you just found out that i like him yet your ready to joke about it to me? i kinda get that but it still doesnt mean that you should do it!
then just now, she chats to me and says how i had a funny expression when she told me and then i was like "dont joke about something like that to me!" freaked me out man. then she goes around saying "why would i do that? its like telling your mates bf that you like him or a husband!" honestly, why woul dyou say it int he first place then?

then i tell lisa about it and she takes it as a joke! i got so peeved off. no one gets me!

now im chatting to helen but im fine with her now. damn man, he sang during lunch time and i missed it! darnnit!



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