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Thursday, July 2, 2009 7:07 PM

i was checking out this article just now and read the comments:

Emma Watson is obsessed with Twilight

Emma Watson's dirty secret is out of the bag... the Harry Potter star is a Twihard! Like pretty much every other teenager the world over, she's completely obsessed with the vampire world of Twilight.

"I love those books," the 18-year-old admits to Elle. "My friend and I read them back to back.

"This is so sad, but I literally felt depressed when I finished reading them because I thought, 'Oh my God, what am I going to do now?'"

Well, maybe you could go and hang out with the star of Twilight Robert Pattinson, since you two go way back after working together on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Just a thought!

Also listed in her "guilty pleasures" is the teen show Gossip Girl, which Emma admits she's completely obsessed with.

"It's so wrong that Nate and Blair are getting back together," she moans. "Blair is definitely the more interesting character. If I was going to play either of them [Serena or Blair] I would play Blair.

"I love watching America's Next Top Model, too. My flatmate Sophie is in the British version of this series - it makes it extra tense."

Who would've though Emma had so much spare time to watch TV!

SOURCE: CelebrityFX @ ninemsn.com

Shame Emma, Shame
Posted by: 16 year old girl, Sydney, on 1/07/2009 10:30:22 PM
This is unbelievably sad - to think that an educated young woman such as herself would enjoy reading such drivel is quite unbelievable. Twilight and Gossip Girl are obviously mass produced, popularist, valueless texts whose only objective is to pressure young women and girls into swooning over undeserving male characters and thus fill their demeaning gender roles in society. Where are the real, multi-faceted characters? Where is the witty, thought provoking literature that isn't completely motivated by sex? One thing is for certain - Hermione would not approve.

This comment totally spoke out for itself but it was absolute rubbish. Sure, Twilight and Gossip Girl are popularist texts of exploit to teen girls and such but showing that it makes young women such as ourselves "swoon" over male characters shows me that their doing a pretty damn good job.
Twilight is all about romance and falling for the sexy vampire, Edward Cullen. Judging from your comment, it shows that Stephenie Meyer was able to target her audience to what she hoped she can capture for her mind to ours.
And seriously speaking, Gossip Girl, a show about American teens acting how most snobby, rich american teens act is what they are trying to convey.
You have got to face the facts lady and see that nowadays, thats actually how most of us teens are acting today.
And also, sure Emma Watson plays Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies but she isn't her so by saying "One thing is for certain- Hermione would not approve" is completely stupid cause she do you honestly think that Emma Watson would be exactly like Hermione Granger? Oh please.
Not all characters from tv shows or movies have to witty and all about the literature to fit your standards of story characters. Get over it and face the facts- the world is what it is today.

sorry i havent been actually posting some real blog posts. its interesting what i find on the net. and id like to share that with all of yous.

omg, i found a site where i can read parfait tic/love buffet online with english translations! hey-yoo!
click here to go to site.

i should seriously be doing my holiday homework but i seriously cant be bothered. so lazyyy. all i do around here is sleep. man, last night, i slept at 4:30AM ish.

holy shizz man, my period is late by 4 days now. i still keep getting small, sharp stomach aches though.

i should get to my homework to stop me from thinking about it.



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