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Monday, June 29, 2009 5:57 PM

remember the problem with lisa and me and how we werent talking to each other? well ive decided to talk to her about it. the next time she comes online, ill talk to her about it. i remmeber doing it sometime before but with someone different. it made me feel loads better afterwards.
i think its better to talk it over on msn rather than personally cause they cant see how peeved you are. and if you say something you wish not to say, then you can backspace and everything.
i have a feeling that linda ratted out on me to lisa when i told her not to. ive seriously never ever telling anyone anything! its stuff like that that makes your trust for others a minimum. i can only talk to my sister about shizz.

ive been sleeping for the whole day! so now, ill be awake for the whole night to continue my harry potter marathon. my sister ruined it by staying in the living room with me and wanting to watch the office. damn her man. i didnt even finish one movie yet! ruiner. i constantly told her i hated her. hahah. wasted popcorn too! and to top it off, my nails got ruined. i cant do the white lines on my fingers. the first one i did looked beautiful. but then it just went downhill form there. oh right, im sick too. my throat is scratchy and ive had a little runny nose.

omg, trangs pm says: DBSK might disband!AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! to me, this is too funny but i feel for her, happened to fahrenheit. there was suppossedly an article in a chinese newspaper saying that fahrenheit were disbanding but it was totally a rumour. never ever believe magazies and newspapers, theyll fool you easily.

i feel quite addicted to this coconut drink im drinking. i remember that my sister bought this huge can of it, good stuff.

ill finally be uncapped tomorrow.
gone to watch tv



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