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Tuesday, June 30, 2009 10:58 PM
like my new blog layout? thank you to blogskins.com and the creator. it took me 8 hours to fix it up and everything! shit right? 8 hours just to get to this! and i seriously doubt it it looks different to the original. i like the images each time you click on the headings: Profile, Entries, Wishlist, Links. Looks very creative so i ddint change them. Meaning to change the Post pictures though. Some look nice but some just look scary. I also changed to language to Chinese (Taiwan)!! i feel so Chinese! nyahaha. im officially sick. sore throat, runny nose and everything. its awful. i think its karma cause when my friends got sick, i kept boasting, "haha, i havent gotten sick all this year yet." acted all proud and high and mighty and everything. shouldnt have done that. that time of the month for me is late by almost 2 days now. ive gotten warnings (for me its miny stomach aches) today. so it should be coming soon. other times, it comes early by like a week! i know, seriously demented. damn you judy, got me sick. but i feel worse for her cause she had to cancel on her friends for outings and such. so praying for her to get better soon. the harry potter marathon continues to tonight. seems that i couldnt fit 3 movies yesterday cause i was tired. started about 10PM? i think. and ended at 2AM. managed to fit in 2: Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire. ive watched those two movies over and over again the past years so it wasnt as interesting. however im watching the latest one: Order of Phoenix tonight and i havent watched that one in a while. ive learnt that making popcorn at the start of the movie is a waste. cause i ate it in like half an hour. tried my best to eat it slower but couldnt. it was just so yummy. so, ive decided to make it when theres voldemort involved. itll be more interesting. and when i jump, the popcorn can go all over the clean carpet. hahah. nah im kidding. its about 11PM now so ill try to wait till 12AM and watch it till 2AM. about my sickness, it was actually official yesterday and dont worry, its not the H1N1 flu. i caught it off my sister and she went to the doc and he said its a just a common virus. so all good. today i was re watching some of my dramas. i cant be bothered watching brown sugar macchiato anymore. too long. so ive decided to watch brown sugar chivalries instead. and is more interesting. more (and better) romance! ive also re watched nodame cantabile. man, thats a good drama. made me want to play piano again. now, ive taken quite an interest to the timpani. but i dont really have that much good coordination so that wouldnt be too good for me. i need to create a new drama list. 18 Censored or Not Black & White Bump Off Lover Corner With Love Mean Girl Ah Chu Easy Fortune Happy Life Extravagant Challenge Fated To Love You In Love With A Rich Girl Love Buffet Love Queen Love or Bread Marry Me! Mo Nu 18 Hao Momo Love My Queen Romantic Princess The Magicians of Love ToGetHer East of Eden Last Friends Unstoppable Marriage man, so tired from looking all that up and getting the links. should be getting to harry potter now. THE MARATHON TRIFECTA!! <$BlogItemBody$> |
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