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I Need To Buy Myself A Punching Bag
Sunday, February 6, 2011 5:09 PM
I hated today. I opened the store fine. Inbetween- i needed to pee. Couldnt leave the bloody store cause it was only me working. And then like all these fucking African kids were just running around the damn store, blocking my way and making a huge mess everywhere. I fucking hate kids. I will never have kids. So by the end of the day, the store was pretty messy so i closed up and cleaned the aisles and shit. Then i hear the fucking door open up and theres this fucking woman with her 2 kids. THey ask to buy shoes. I tell them to come back tomorrow in my most annoyed voice. Then i basically yelled at them- no i cannot do that for you, you'll have to buy the shoes tomorrow. The fucking word, "please" does not mean anything to me. Neither does the word thank you. I cant believe how many fucking times you have to say that bloody word. And you know what? They made a fucking mess. I got so fucking cut after they left that i started swearing my head off cause i wasnt getting paid for the extra 40 minutes i was there. Fucking hell. I didnt check the shoes they bought so im thinking that they have odd shoes. I cashed up with so much stress in me. I actually felt like crying cause i wanted to get out of the damn place. I swear, i kept getting sidetracked that i mustve counted the money 5 times. I left at 4:40PM. 40 minutes later than usual. I am so fucking pissed and stressed out that im gonna take a very hot shower, eat a lot of shitty foods, put my cream on my hands and watch movies endlessly tonight. I dont fucking care if i have school tomorrow. School can go suck it. Actually no, school dont go suck it. Im sorry. I'm gonna plan my shit for tomorrow morning, wake up early and get to school so i can do my homework. <$BlogItemBody$> |
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