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Like so totally weird
Sunday, February 6, 2011 1:36 AM
So like I was at my cousins place till well now 1:36 and my other cousin comes home early from this party. He said he couldn't wait to leave cause it was so boring! He managed to escape on his car and drive from the city to sunshine in 5 minutes with a stop at maccas cause we wanted food. During that time, me my sister and cousin were watching The City. Its good but not as food as The Hills. Other cousin comes home with our maccas and I eat maccas for the second time of the day! Oh so bad- I'm loving on the edge mate! I come home, check my facebook and see this status made by this guy named JAmes from my year level saying that he went to this chicks party and it was off the hook, it was the greatest! I realized that my cousin and that gig went to the same party but both with incredibly opposite opinions. THAT'S FREAKING HILARIOUS. Let me point out that this was a 21st birthday and my cousin is 22 and James is 17. LOLOLOL Yeah I'm off to sleep now. Got bloody work tomorrow! Sucks that I didn't get to continue with Star Wars but oh well, maybe tomorrow <$BlogItemBody$> |
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