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G.I Joe
Thursday, January 27, 2011 1:59 PM

I heard that this movie got some pretty bad reviews. I took the liberty of finding that out for myself- it's true!
I loved the movie. Seriously, this is like the 4th time watching it. I mainly like how it's was pretty based on action not like all those other movies that claim to be action movies bit truthfully aren't cause they only have like one small action sequence and boom done. You wanna know what movie I'm talkin about? The Tourist. That movie was seriously disappointing. I mean with a movie with he two biggest Hollywood stars you'd expect it to be an action film(primarily based on the commercial) but it was seriously a huge let down.
For G.I Joe however, they were based on toy soldiers so you would expect it to be about action. AND IT WAS!!
How can critics say such horrible shit about this movie !



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