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I Know I've Mentioned This Before
Tuesday, January 25, 2011 9:27 PM

But seriously, i hate it when someone chats to you with one line replys.
It always starts off the same, "Heyy!"
And then you reply with a casual "Hi" thinking of why theyre chatting to you in the first place. You wait and wait and wait for a reply back but they just never reply!!
Seriously what's up with that?
If you chat to me, please reply with a brb if youre gonna take a while. I mean sure, if youre computer just freezes on ya, fair enough but if youre literally just sitting there in front of your computer playing games or youtubing or facebooking or godknowswhat, then please, TELL ME SO I DONT HAVE TO WAIT.

Can you tell im impatient?
Well i am...at certain times.



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