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Tuesday, August 17, 2010 9:07 PM

HSM Day 1:
It's going pretty well.
I just noticed- i cannot multitask- sing, play piano and bop to the music, all at the same time. It's difficult!

Bloody hell- i was trying to get my make up done. 2 teachers were up in my face saying "You look pretty sweets" and yet they still did not do anything to my face. So i was like, "Fine, if youre not gonna do anything but say nice stuff to me when you can CLEARLY SEE that i have ntohing on my face, ill just leave!" So i left.

I have like a whole bunch of hairspray in my hair. Im such a flammable person right now. Not safe to be around fire.

Alright so like my Media class were there for the whole rehearsal so i was like "OMG i cannot do this" but i did it anyway! ANDDDDDDD once again, i surprised everyone. Glad! :) They thought i did awesomely well!! NAWWW! I love encouragement like that- from people you least expect. The puppetry is so weird man. Me and Sarah were in the sidelines just watching them stand there moving the puppets and it looked so awkward.

I HAVE STARTED ECO but i dont think im gonna finish in time.
Then theres Methods SAC. O-M-G. I cannot wait till thats over!

Man i want coke!
"Youre a weird kiddo"



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