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Those Moments
Monday, August 16, 2010 7:44 PM

Think movie!
So youre in class.
Youre looking at your computer screen figuring out how to input the right codes needed to make the little man jump!

Then, a friend talks to you and so you lean back and relax as you engage yourself in conversation.

Then, the conversation ends and so you learn back towards your computer to continue to think!
She talks to you again but you dont move your position of 'leaning'.
But then someone's head leans towards the computer to also think.
You look immediately towards the unknown person because that person was the only one in the row that you can see 'leaning'.
You see him him looking like this:

*Cue twinkly like music.
Phwoahh...You think.

Oh wowwwieeee.



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