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Currently At Library
Saturday, August 7, 2010 11:30 AM
Please excuse the possile spelling error in this post. You see, im at the library using this very shytey keyboard. It's so hard to press. I swear it took me forever to actully sign into faceook. I have 30 minutes till work and you wouldnt believe wht=at i brought with me to work. Yeah, i brought my methods stuff with me. How unbelievaly studious of me. Im pretty behind. I need to complete 2 exercises of application questions y tuesday';s teset. Im pretty sure the test is on tuesdy. f not, im gonna shat myself. Hmmm...plns for this week: Sat; Work then church. Methds homework and economics essay for Monday Sun: Open days, home, engtu maybe N(nah, fuck that), eco (if i havent finished it alreday which i doubt that i have), methods again, and RUSH! Oh how it will be an awssome week. PS: I probs wont be online till Monday possily so if you need me, call me :) Theres this dude playing and singing to Justin Beibers songs. AHAH. He' this littlke kid- probs 10 or something and he already has a faceook. CRAZY MUCH? Kids these days are so mature fr their age. I remember when i ws 10 ad i was crazy about sailor moon still. Nah jks...i cant rmemeer when i was 10 yers old. I wanna bcome a gamer. I wanna play games!!! But then ive nver owned a game console before. I wanna be a complete I.T nerd. Weird thing to say right? I know what you must be thinkig "Why?" Im reallyinto Big Bang Theory. I saw Thursday's complete 2 hour of Big Bng THeory eps. OMG, SHeldon "Sheldore afk....Sheldore online" HAHA. hirlious. I wanna become a chick gamer. Off to work now. Cheerio for now. Sorry about the spelling errors. Forgive me. <$BlogItemBody$> |
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