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Tuesday, January 19, 2010 7:46 PM

Karen, thanks for that post.


I woke up this morning at like 8:30AM but then decided to skip Lizzie McGuire. So then my alarm went off an hour later @ 9:30AM. Arthur's on!! I absolutely love Arthur. Ive waited like a year for it to be on again. And thank god i have digital/HD tv or else i wouldnt be able to watch it @ 9:35AM. But thankfully, its also on at 4PM on normal ABC. Anywho, i feel asleep halfway cause i was dead tired. LOL. Happens every morning. I woke up an hour later. Feel asleep. An hour later. Feel asleep. It was like 11AM that i decided to kick the habit and wake up. Last night i made a plan. Heres the plan:
You dont want to go viet school. Sooo...
1. Do that Centerlink shit
2. Call jobs
3. Apply - hopeless but try!
4. Do homework!
5. Blog about everything!
6. Do not give up soldier!
7. Cry

Ive only been able to complete until step 2. Tomorrow, ill be doing step 3. I called up some of the places i applied to from Highpoint. I got some responses. There was this one bitch who just hung up on me though. Jeez.


- Payless Shoes Still accepting resumes
- Video Ezy -->Apply in March!
- Sanity NATM (Apply during Christmas- September)
- TBar -->Apply in March/April
- Cocolatte Expect a call in 1 week
- Novo No
- Kikki.K No

Then i called up some places in Sunshine. They were nicer.


- Payless Shoes Accepting resumes
- Sanity NATM (Apply during Christmas- September)
- Millers No
- Sunshine Leisure Centre (Pool) No. JUST MISSED OUT!!!
- Sportsco Pop in resume

Back to my day. I called all those places and got responses. Then i went Centerlink. Me and my mum were looking for the same guy. Wishing he wasnt there. THANK GOD HE WASNT THERE! We gave in the form, he photocopied the sheets, and sent it off. That was it. No hassle, no nothing. GOD, why couldnt that guy just do the same thing instead making a huge deal out of it. Honestly, i dont give a damn about it anymore. Its done with, completed, no more having to worry about that damn form ever again. (Fingers crossed)

After that, i came home with hope. Sounds gay yeah? hahah. HOPE!

I watched Friends for the rest of the day. Feel asleep twice. Whoops. My sleeping pattern is totally effed now. Stupid holidays. I'm up to the season where Rachel is pregnant. So its the season where everyone looks really pretty. hahah.

OH OH! check is 'become a fan' thing on facebook:

Asian Grading System: A-verage. B-elow Average. C-rap. D-eath. F-ucked.

That is the most smartest thing ive ever heard! And its true. A-verage is true. When us asians get an A in anything, our typical asian parents will always think of it as an average mark!!


Guessed what it is yet?
indeedy it is!



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