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Thursday, October 1, 2009 7:11 PM
UPCAPPED! FINALLY! the first thing i thought of last night with being uncapped was: i have got to watch thte next episode of glee! and that was what i did. hahaha. i found this site: wwww.watchglee.com but then you had to put some survey in or something like that and i was like "dude, hell to the no!" so then i found another site: www.watch-glee.com. this is a better site. BUT! as i was finding sites to watch it for free online, i came across the vampaire diaries online so i was like "omg, so tempting...OK!" so then i watched hte second episode of that. i went back and forth and back and forth. really confused me. trang came over to pick up the guitar and she got kinda lost. hahaha. funny girl! hahaha. dont worry, im not so good with direction either. she found it easily cause of hte lanterns in the front. hahaha. so then she came in and we watched vampaire diaries. just as it was getting freaking good, this pop up suddenly came up saying that "you have watched 72 minutes of the movie, blah blah blah" and i was like "what?! the film is only 42 minutes!" but thats ok, it just makes it more tempting and anticipating! ahaha. so obviously, the glee film did the same thing but thank god glee is on tonight! hahaha. in 15 ish minutes actually. so excited! trang, i loved your dog bag! hahah. so freakin adorable! hahah. she got it online!! speaking of online buying, i found this gorgeous journal/notebook in shop til you drop and i was like "omg, thats beautiful! and its only 9.95!" nice right? click here to check it out omg, i was so pissed off today. my dad comes home and i was fast asleep. or so i thought. i kind of woke up and i overheard my dad saying this about me to mum "take jenny out" "what for?" "she's always in the house. take her out to make her learn stuff. how do you think shes going to cope in the future? shes going to turn out like you. shell just hang back" i was like "OMG!" i think that was a sign cause i suddenly woke up to hear just that and then i fall asleep again. what are the chances? seriously! i feel like im coping fine. sure i may be afraid to step up in front of them but at school im all for it. as surprising as that my sound. physics im the most outspoken with the guys! i listen and speak! yahuh! thats right! physics is really fun. hahah. he keeps thinking that im gonna be forever this really shy ass girl. man, if he reads my blog, he'll think differently. im seriously sick of it. i constantly keep thinking that he since judy is like him, i might turn into him too. or judy. yeah, more like judy than him. haha. im not freakin her! all the time when we talk about occupations and job searching, he would constantly steer me in the directionof medicine which i absolutely hate. despise! it aggrovates me. the more talk of "judy this judy that" makes me want to steer into the opposite direction. thats what im been doing for the most of my life. shes going to the asian side of school, im going to the western kind of style of school- arts and business. and i enjoy it too! judy this, judy that, medicine this, medicine that. god, relieve me from this!! ohmygoodness. i just noticed. i complain a lot. bad habit. MUST STOP! OK, maybe ill just leave the complaining in my head instead yeah? --glee is waiting for me! <$BlogItemBody$> |
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