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Thursday, September 10, 2009 6:40 PM

currently singing to linh youtube video- breathing underwater.
gosh shes so good. so jealous. ahaha

ok, the problem:
i came late to school yesterday cause i had a dentist appointment in footscray. awesome fun man. you know, dentist tools jabbing into your teeth and one tool that breaths smoke! hahah. quite exaggerated but you know, thats me. but yeah anyway, i got 3 fillings done all successfully but sadly that was my last session. i wont be able to miss out on PE anymore. darn! so then on the way to school, my mum's phone rings- i pick it up cause shes driving (we are very responsible drivers haha) and it turns out to be my dad calling asking where i am. he got a phone call from the office lady asking where i am. so i tell him im on my way to school and shizz and all was well. i got to school, got my late pass and headed to class but obviously no one was there cause doi, its PE. so i just stay in class by myself, thinking about doing my maths work even though i have maths later. so thats why i also bring my book to read. man, the book makes no sense to me! haha. i need to concentrate on the book more to totally understand it. so before i even open the novel, i remember to check the notices on the bulletin notice. my name was on it. it said to meet this lady at recess. there were a bunch of other names but i had nothing in common with them so i was afraid. not that 'afraidness' of being in trouble but something was up. i know that. so then after that i read my book, bell rang and damn man, it is scary to be in class by yourself. its so quiet. if there wasnt a class next to the one i was in, i wouldve sang my heart out and hoping that richard would come across the room and hear my awesome voice! hahaha. kidding. but not about the singing part.
ok, so bell rang for recess and i decided to go to that metting thingo. came to reception and saw micah and jessie there too. i asked them if they knew what was going on and they thought it was about ALP subjects. then it hit me! its gotta be the clashing of timetable!
i went in to meet with the teachers after jessie did and then they told me the thing i was thinking. "there seems to be a clash in your timetable so you wont be able to do business next year. youll have to choose another subject" i just kept saying "ok" i bet they thought i wasnt taking this seriously or anything but i was mentally prepared for it. whatevs man. hahah.
so i thought about it- legal? art? studio arts? drama? didnt know what the hell to do. i thought about it during double maths and couldnt come up with anything. i needed to make a decision by tomoro.

came home and told judy about it, told mum, told dad, asked around. talked to jenny about it and i was really thinking about doing legal but then i kinda felt it was stupid to do legal cause i dont like anything about it. jenny suggessted to do science based subjects but i was like noooo. psychology or chem were the ones she suggested but i didnt really like either. i was thinking about bio cause well judy did it so i can ask her for help, lisa's doing it for ALP- i can ask her for help, and stupidly enough richard did it this year. this semester actually. gosh im such a loser. so then after thinking really hard, i checked out accounting and found it pretty interesting. so i asked around if anyone was doing accounting and awesomely jason is. as long as someones in there that i know, im happy. and its basically business class just a little different. so id have not so much problems with it. ACCOUNTING IS GOING TO AWESOME. or so i thought. today i put in my 3 preferences:
1. Accounting
2. Economics (close to business and the only other one that sounds interesting- business wise)
3. Art
number one being most preferred. at the end of class, i quickly checked my emails to see if i got a response to it. and yes i did. man, that woman is like on the net 24/7! turns out i got economics! accounting wasnt available supposedly. i was bummed out by that until i found out that lisa might be doing it and trang IS doing it! so now i have friends! awesome.

when i came home today, i still wasnt sure about my subjects so i planned it all out.
there has to be 6 next year and 5 in yr12. here are my current chosen subjects:
-English Language
-Economics (the replacement of business3+4)

on reselection day, im hoping i can get rid of advanced and change that to accounting. so itll end up looking like this:
-English Language

theres nothing else i want to change cept advanced to accounting. im actually fine with economics but i bet you 100 dollars that oncei start the subject ill regret it so much. i keep thinkinga bout exams and how much work there needs to be put into it.
-English Language: analysing language essays
-Media: includes drawings, creating, filming
-IT: analysing i think, creating, drawing
-Methods: standard one answer questions
-Economics: short answered questions and essays
-Accounting: short answered questions and math probably

when it comes to yr 12, i have 2 ways that i think it can go:
-English Language
-Business Management

-English Language
-Business Management

i have to either decide on methods or further. id prefer further but who knows what the work might be like next year so i cant exactly choose the subjects straight away. what im confused about is since i gave up my ALP, does continuing it in yr12 count as my 5th subejct or 6th subject? must remind myself to ask someone about it. some jobs i can do in the future:
-hotel manager
-restaurant manager
-theatre work
-actress (yeah i know, i dream big. i cant act anyway but hey, is it wrong for me to dream?)
-own and manage my own cake shop/mini bakery
-work at hotels as front office or something
-production assistant
-model (hopefully not but thats a last resort- do i need to explain?)
just some odd jobs i can do. i know that theyre really out there and so forth but i guess these are the ones i really want to do. seems especially odd cause i quiet little chick but im slowly coming out of my shell.

gosh, annie is so annoying! i want her out of the group but thats so mean. so freakin annoying. i try ditching her. i know, "JENNY! YOURE SO MEAN!" whatevs man, meet her and youll be like me too. trust me.

omg, me and jason made a bet last night that the word bitch isnt rude. i actually do think it is but people need to try to think of the word in a different perspective. as in "female dog". get me? so then he was like "i dar eyou to say that to a teacher" so i did. today, i went up to mr mcguire and then asked him "sir, did you know i have a bitch?" and then he went "im sorry?!" so i lost the bet from there. cause he got angry but after i explained it to him that i didnt mean it in THAT way, he totally understood and argued on my side to jason! HA! but i still lost $5. trying to earn it back.

man im so bored! my dad just came in to tell me to go shower and sleep early. i probably will anyway cause i cant be stuffed doing any work. i just need to get my theatre arts done. i think. i hope. i should check before i freak out at like 11PM or something.

alright. its almost 8:30PM and gossip girl, the amazing race and rush is on soon. i think im just gonna stick to watching one tv show rather than multi-tasking to 3! the amazing race it is then! haha. frick on a stick! i missed out on hamish and andys caravan of courage or something. damn. i always miss out on good tv cause im too busy on the net chatting or blogging or youtubing or whatever it is im doing on the net.

omg, tutor yesterday was boring as. as i suspected, i was alone again. linh and karolyn were together with william, mary and giang. im such an anti social person. honestly, i think william hates me or something. we never talk or anything. im honestly just wasting my time at tutor. its so freakin boring there now. thank god its the last week next week. next term, ill be refreshed and social. hopefully itll work out. ill try to enter convos or something. or i can invite people to come to tutor with me! maybe...not so sure they would though. they have their own tutors to go to and theyre probably better than my one. no offence co thanh. man, people, at tutor, talk to me please!! i hate just looking at my phone and texting and looking at my nails and staring out into space while everyone is having fun talking with their friends and shizz. maybe ill switch tutors or something. nahh, i like having private tutors. whatevs man. maybe things will change. man, i hate not knowing what the future will be like.

i have my english write up periods 5+6 tomoro. chookas to me.
adios amigos



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