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Sunday, September 27, 2009 8:02 PM

at fisrt it was boring cause judy had the AA ball at crown today. so it was just me and the parents. during the day time it was boring cause all we did was walk up and down and up and down vice versa. then we decided to go into the restaurant to eat and to also stay warm. man, it was freakin freezing! 13 degrees today man! right now its 10 degrees!! okay so after din din, it got dark so we decided to take the lanterns we took (8 of them in total) and opened them and put the battery in so it could shine. its so pretty.

we walked around for a bit longer and then my dad was like "lets buy drinks! theyre like a dollar now cause itss about to close soon" so then we got drinks and i bumped into lily and shirley and their group. i saw carol but there were others too. i didnt say hi or anything cause well..lets face it, we dont talk or anything. so i just ignored it.

we came home and hung up the lanterns! so pretty. its at the front swaying about. hahah! tried to take a picture but couldnt. stupid camera is so shit! haha.

OMGOMGOMG!! I THOUGHT I SAW RICHARD TODAY LIKE TWICE! im seriously head over heels over him right now. I DONT KNOW HIM! i hate having a crush over a guy but i like it. make sense? ahah. i thought i saw him yesterday too! me and my sister went to pick up our food from mambo's and i was wearing a beanie and a huge jacket cause it was cold out. when i thought i saw him i was like "shit. is that him? omg, i look so bad right now!" but then when we got closer, it wasnt him. SO CLOSE! hahaha.

there i said it. well typed.

gotta go.
james bond awaits me!
--casino royale!



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