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What A Day
Friday, November 5, 2010 8:26 PM

I felt different today.
I like different.
Too much happened so i'll write in dot point form:
- Jap students came
- I liked red tommy hilfiger guy
- Got a one on one photo with him (freaking guy is too scared to come close!)
- I had my period today
- It went through my dress
- My plan to avoid cleaning up made me clean up in the end
- Didnt eat anything all day until 4PM
- Didn't eat much dinner either
- Gonna stuff my face later tonight
- Formed a methods study group
- Had a 4 hour nap.

For some reason i have this tendancy to check people's fb pages on peoples birthday to see if i got a generic response back or an awesome personal response.
I thought mine was pretty cool until someone else posted a small birthday msg with an awesome personal response back. Then i felt unspecial :(

I love my class. It's so much fun. Well sometimes.

I found out for my Media SACs, i improved so much from this semester:
Sac1: C; Sac2: B+; Sac3: A!
I dont care if i got a C! Cause then i saw my improvement and omg im so proud.

My sister ordered a pizza today and yesterday i told her to put it under a fake name: Kristen. HAHHA. Fun! :)



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