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Tonight Has Been A Fun Night
Thursday, October 14, 2010 9:54 PM
CLICK HERE! GREATEST SONG EVER! Shall i learn? Yes i shall. Soooo... I was checking who was on msn. I found that 'the guy' had signed off so i was like, "Aww damn. ok." THEN BANG! There was a pop up on msn and it was him chatting to me! WHAT ARE THE ODDS? I freaked out and completely backed away from the laptop to the bookcase thingo that was behind me. At the same time my sister walked in and said, "Woahh!" HAHHA. I looked at her, looked back at the laptop then back at her. I go all wacko and start yelling out, "OMG HE'S TALKING TO MEE!!" My sister runs to the laptop and sees that he is. She jumps on and takes my place and uses the net. Far oot. Then im like to her angrily, "GET OFF!! HURRY UP!!! C'MON MANNN!!" I told her to quickly click on him. She clicks. I put my ass in her face to get her to move and i see the convo said, "Hey, What's up?" I jump up and down in the tiny study room and scream, "OMG HE'S CHATTING TO ME CASUALLY!" I start hitting my sister to has continued to use the net. I typed back, "brb". I quickly run to take a shower. I swear, that was the fastest shower ever. 10 minutes. Im awesome. I come back to the laptop and write, "hellloooo?" cause he didnt reply back or anything and he was appearing offline still. He types back the simple (and i love it), "hi". OMGGGGGGGG. Me and my sister are jumping (literally) UP AND DOWN AND SQUEALING LIKE CRAZY! HAHAH. The rest is history. My mum yells out to me and my sister, "GO HANG OUT THE CLOTHES!". I scream and say, "AHHH!! WHY IS EVERYONE TRYING TO STOP ME FROM HAVING A LOVE LIFE?" HAHHAHAHAHAHHA! Me and my sister BURST into laughter. We quickly went to hang the first batch of clothes (btw, this is the first time my mum has ever told us to hang out clothes. not to mention in the dark night but slightly warm outdoors). I run down the cement hill of ours to quickly come back to the laptop where my awesome conversation awaits...i slip on this stupid thing that my dad left outside on the cement hill and i quickly go into combat mode and stop myself in an awkward position. My sister now has died of laughter. I yell at her while laughing myself, quickly ran into the house and locked her outside. HAHAHAHAH. I run to the laptop and my mum opens the door for judy. HAHAH! He had to leave when i finished hanging the second batch of clothes. Darn. WHO CARES, IT WAS FUN! There's my movie moment. That whole he's-chatting-to-me-omg thing was my movie moment! :D AHAHA! And that was my awesome night. Today, he scared me in class. He somehow slipped into sitting next to me while i was concentrated on finding answers to the stupid questions while ianne and linh were away. I SWEAR, HE MADE ME JUMP. On the topic of people scaring me, Linda freaked me out during lunch. Made me scream and jump. DOUBLE ATTACK!!! <$BlogItemBody$> |
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