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I Was Gonna
Tuesday, October 12, 2010 11:20 PM

- Tell you i like you
- Go shower
- Sing and Dance in my underwear
- Talk about all the things that was on my mind
- Go study
- Watch Punk'd
- Think of stories in my head
- Do awesome flips in my living room
- Jump on my bed while making awesome ninja moves
- Watch Chuck
- Take TB photos of myself and upload it on facebook and write a comment like, "I like so ugly in this picture" and make people comment nice things about me. (LOLL!! NIGAHIGA!)
- Talk about heartfelt things
- Go pee
- Act as if i was completely interested in what you were saying
- Go walk up and down the house
- Create an awesome video!
- Go

Honestly, i love having deep conversations- depends on the person im talking to. With guys, hell yeah. But with girls- depending on their problem. Cause then it feels like their trust in opening up to me makes me feel like i can open up to them.

I dont believe in love until i see it myself.
Hmm interesting.


Don't think- just do.
I'll try that tomorrow.



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