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Chicken Is Where The Heart Is
Friday, September 3, 2010 2:49 PM
Friday afternoon alone. What is a girl to do? Buy herself chicken and chips :) Walked all the way to the library and was sweating my ass off! It was disgusting i swear. Got Schindler's List followed by Star Trek! And a few good reads. Yes, if you know me well, i do not read books. Unless you count endless magazines and tv guides as reading. (I do!) So ive decided to take up reading. Surprise surprise! Walked to Sunshine to go buy myself maccas. But then there were 4C-er's so i went to the ATM near work to get money to buy chicken. Went into work and omg! There was full on shoes everywhere! Stock had come in and they were sorting it out. I met Delila. I think that was her name. Thinking of buying new sneakers for camp and work. Nice blue ones! :) Left work, bought myself 1/2 chicken and chips and i saw helen eating with her mum! It looked so cute i swear. I cant remember the last time i went out to eat with my parents (food courts- we eat at asian restaurants all the time. in fact it was just on sunday!). Didnt stay and chat cause i was hungry as a cow! Walked home and short cut way and damn was i scared. My bag was heavy and i had chicken and chips in one hand...If someone were to attack me (God forbid), my choice of weapon? That would be the food! Came home and my dad was already home. So i shared my food with him. HAHHA! As much as he pisses me off, i still love him. I have no idea why but every Friday, im always leaving the school in a bad mood. Wait, i think i know why. Well honestly, this Friday has been a waste of time. I was hoping to get some English done (did some in Methods! :P) and i shouldve finished Schindler's List by now. Geez louise, i guess i gotta watch it tonight then. Hmm, wonder whats on telly tonight. Dan it's almost 3, gotta get a move on!! I just finished watching Schindler's List. Man, that is a long movie! I just googled how long it was and it said it is 195 minutes. DUDE! THATS BLOODY 3 HOURS AND 25 MINTUES! Makes sense. I started at around 4 and finished at 7. Makes sense. Oh my goodness. I cried. But why in the world would the Religion faculty make us watch that movie? WHY!? And it's only for one SAC! ONE! But the movie was good. It was so realistic. So...cant find the right word to actually describe it. The movie finished and i just felt empty. Especially the fact that i was watching the movie alone made it worse cause then i dont have anyone to sulk and complain with. In the end, Oskar Schindler completely felt devastated cause he thought he couldve saved more people- omgahhh, so bloody sad! BALLED MY EYES OUT! There's literally no word to describe that feeling. Now i gotta prepare for English! I gotta finish it by tonight to be able to get my tutor to help me out with ideas tomorrow morning. It's gonna be a long night. I swear, this is the third time i have blogged today. Im that sad and bored. I have done pretty well considering the time frame for my english essay. I swear my eyes have gone all cross eyed cause of it! I just found out that Go Girls is back on telly (SEASON 2 YEAH!) and starts tonight at 10:30PM. So ive been hustling and bustling from 8 to get my essay done for tomorrow. Then the rest of the week i can focus on religion and methods. And if i must, english. Not gonna focus on anything else but those subjects. Stupid core subjects. Less than three. Get it? Heheh. <3 Im getting sleepy already. OMGAHHH!! Half an hour left! Gotta beat the clock! The ticking bomb! The football! I have no idea what that was meant to mean but meh. I wanna watch Chuck so badly right now. C'MON JASONNNNNNN!!!! <$BlogItemBody$> |
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