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Sunday, July 4, 2010 1:37 AM

Thats my new word.

I have been O.C-ing my Saturday night. It's been awesome. And so much drama! Gotta love it.

I ate potato chips again. Chicken flavour this time.
Tomorrow night, it's gonna be BBQ flavour.

I have also been watching Arthur Season 1. Thats right. Arthur is effing awesome.

I seriously can't wait for the O.C episode where Summer and Seth get back together.
Oh right, FYI, Im watching Season 2.
That episode is where Seth was fixing his satellite dish or some antenna i think and he wears his spiderman mask as his rain hat! And then Summer comes cause something happened with Zack i think (they probs broke up or she finally realised that she had to be with Seth). Seth falls from the roof top and then....oh actually, i shouldnt ruin anything! But when i get to the episode (which i definitely will this winter break) i will print screen pictures and everything!!

Im feeling very American today.
But im kinda tired seeing as it is 1:44AM.
Getting tired which is VERY surprising.

Im gonna get a glass of coke. And maybe a tub of choc-mint ice cream :P



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