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Status: Kicking back
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Saturday, June 26, 2010 5:24 PM
OMG!! So i just had work. Just came home. I came 5 minutes early but realised that i left my glasses at home! FUCK ME! So then i speed walked home and ran the last block! Came 15 minutes late. I bought a 500ML can of V cause i was sick of coke. Let me remind you, i start at 12PM till 5PM and i bought this at 12:30PM. I drank it and it didnt kick in until 1PM. WHOO! HYPE HYPE HYPE! I was so bloody hyped up, jumping up and down, making weird ass sounds. It was brilliant. We managed to sell more than required! I FINALLY MADE OVER $2000 WORTH OF SHOES! Awesome day today. Seriously man, i would usually be afraid to talk to customers but today it was like me being totally straightforward to them and yadda yadda. It was tres cool. My cousin walks past cause he finished his shift at Safeway (or should i say Woolworths) so then his mum told me to come out. I skipped out (the V). He's got Virtua Cop on his PS2 WITH THE GUNS! OMG, ITS GONNA BE AWESOME!!! And hes got guitar hero and singstar on his DS (i have no idea how that works but yeah). I was jumping up and down, laughing like crazy. Then Emma pops up and says while they leave "Was that your boyfriendddd?" BAHAHAAH! When i said "NO! Thats my cousin!" she quickly bopped down! HAHAH! Karen, congrats! You are the first person to comment on my post! EVER! Now i gotta get ready for church. Man, my head hurts from all that V. <$BlogItemBody$> |
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