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Tuesday, November 17, 2009 7:58 PM
I HAVE NOW OFFICIALLY FINISHED BUSINESS MANAGEMENT UNITS 1+2! CELEBRATION TIMEEEEEE no. not just yet. still have english then physics then hums then maths and then religion exams. you know, i should actually start studying. special msg: DENISEEEEEEEEEE!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! for staying back with me today! YOU ARE THE ABSOLUTE BESTEST! :DDDDD congrats on getting the award also! holy crow mannnn, his dancing is hotttttttttt! congrats on getting the award! hahahaha omg, my phone went beep beep beep during the assembly today. whoopsies. i totally forgot to put it on silent. shit man. imagine during the exam it went beep beep beep! HOLY COW. I DONT WANNA T HINK ABOUT IT NO MORE! ok, off to study for physics and maths and hums. killing me softly. <$BlogItemBody$> |
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