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Thursday, November 12, 2009 6:10 PM

omg, i am so bloody freakin tired. all i wanna do is sleep.

right after school, me and trang went highpoint to apply for jobs for the christmas season. oh dear god. we printed out 10 resumes each thinking that that wouldnt be enough. we got there and went into stores but got rejected 6 times in less than 20 minutes! we were losing hope. but thank god to novo! they accepted us. every shop needs at least some retail experience. sucks man. cause we have none. they made that "uhhh, i dont knowww" face when we said we had no experience. that applied for like more than half of the stores that we applied to.

we found lindas gift but it was $40! not $30! dammit man. i had to fork over an extra 10 bucks. well trang did. i just have to pay her back. with imaginary money. hahaha. sorry. ill pay you back once we get jobs and get money. haha.

note to self: next year, if still jobless, apply for christmas casuals during october! must be october. no earlier no later!

ok, off to do work now. crap! i only have an hour to study before glee is on. wait, make that 2 hours. ill skip glee for today. its a repeat anyway. THANK GOD!



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