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Tuesday, August 18, 2009 11:55 PM
im quite tired today so its gonna be a short post production week this whole week! so that means i get to miss out on clases! awesome right? yesterday: monday, i had my ski trip which wasnt exactly a ski trip per se. it was more of a hiking, sight seeing kinda trip. the problem was was that the ski place had strong winds so obviously the teachers decided to scratch the trip for our own safety. bloody heck man! so shit. but we had fun anyway. i cant bebothered posting up pictures today but ill TRY to find time next time. hardly doubt it though. lol. there was lots of bird looking/feeding which freaked the heck out of me!!!! today was fun! had rehearsals alll day! till 4 or something though. ohmygosh, i thought i was over him but i take all that back! so hot. ahhh~~ i finally got my costume which isnt very revealing which is real good. all the chicks there have boobs which i dont. im a freakin flat chested chick! so embarrassing! omg, when richard has to change into his prince outfit, i must admit, i did take a peek! hahah!! dude, i cant help it. but im NOT a pervert or anything! i promise!! he had his singlet on which is like omg! my friends were like : youre blushing!. freakin jason said i was getting turned on! you ass....kidding. hahah. he was wearing white leggings which i found kinda funny. cause everyone has like black ones. i was wearing blue ones. i kinda felt bad though. when he finished his scene, there was like no one on the wings except us stage crew. we were playing with the coins and playing tricks with them and al he did was sit on the seat. there were times where i was thinking about inviting him in the convos but too chicken! i actually had a chance! but then i didnt take it. michelle and teresa and kathy came to me after lunch break and asked me to give back aladdin (him) his hat that he left and i was like "what?? omgomgomg."i take that as a sign! i came to maureen and told her that i needed to find him to give his hat back. she was like "omg! give it to him!" i was like "nooo!! come with me! COME WEITH ME!" i couldnt find him after one wquick search so i was like "lets go back" she told jason and then he wass the same "gogo! give it to him!" ohh...so embarrassing. then jason took the hat and tried to place it on my head and i was squelling so loud! then i ran to the carpet and he said "jenny! jenny! seriously, give it to him" i kept saying "no!" then dennis says "i dare you to wear it" i was thinking to myself "holy crap, he knows too?" then richard came! he got his hat back, but not from me. jason said to me as he walked away: "you had your chance" next time, if something like this ever happens again, ill go for it. i know itll be reallllly embarrassing cause im not a social kind of person but ill do my best! and i think he doesnt remember me. so sad. really sad. tomoros rehearsal runa till probably 7? dude, its gonna be awesome. i love rehearsals. its so much fun cause im not doing anything at home. i honestly dont like being at home no mores. its not as fun as being with people. hahah. im finally getting the hang of ques and changing scenery and crap. its hard work but im up for it. lol. sleep time. its like 12:13AM now. bloody hell man, i have classes tomoro! after school is rehearsals. damnnn... thursday is gonna be hard work: AN ACTUAL PRODUCTION! cant wait! so excited! <$BlogItemBody$> |
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