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Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:10 PM

just came home from social and omg, my feet are killing me. i will always remember this pain forever as long as i shall live.

richard...omg. i couldnt talk to him. i did but he didnt say anything. this is seriously never going to work. hes an awesome dancer and singer yet he didnt dance as much. all he did was sit and talk to people. he's never gonna notice me. omg, i give up!

jason likes lisa. he confessed today. but it didnt end well. i feel kinda responsible. he told me about it and i said "go for it" but then later, i said "maybe no" other people got involved and it just turned to mulsh.

i danced allllll night! i had high heel races with people wearing flats...so much fun! i even collected glo sticks. currently counting how many i have. 48 in total. thats not much but when you look at it, it looks like i have heaps.

i got people to dance and everything! good job jenny, jennifer, debra, vy and all you other people who didnt dance at first but then you did! AWESOME JOB YOU GUYS!

i missed out on so much good tv today! totally sucks! i missed gossip girl, moonlight, the hills, amazing race, true beauty and i think thats it. man, it was totally worth missing out all that stuff.

i think my ex crush- anderson has gotten denise.nguyen as a girlfriend. but thank god i am totally over him.

i feel really bad cause i was running ini my heels thinking that my mum had come to pick me up in front of the school so i ran from the other side and went completely through someone else. and it was ms allen. i am so sorry. that was so rude of me. ill go apologize tomoro if i can. and i need mr collins to sign my media request.

ok, off to take a looooong shower. need to water away all that digusting man sweat and well, my sweat! hahah. man, its been a loooong day.



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