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Where Do I Start?
Saturday, February 26, 2011 10:49 AM

I didnt finish my homework :(
But i did end up sleeping at 9PM. OMG i was so refreshed this morning. I woke up at 8AM for engtu which was really good cause i had more than enough sleep!

I was really bored just now that i googled CIA and NSA stuff...spy gadgets and all that cool stuff.

I was talking to my mum in the car about home ownership and all that junk cause my cousin recently bought a house! Amazing as that may sound, there are so many complications to them buying a home at the moment. Kinda makes me think though. Are the prices of homes ever going to decrease in value?
What if i dont find a good enough job?
The good jobs are mainly in the medical field or you know...legal field :S
Im only good at so little!

I read this:
Top Jobs For The Future

Then i thought to myself: Internet shopping.
Seeing as technology is doing so great and retail chains aren't doing that great, internet shopping is where people tend to buy things from now.
I'd still like to manage my own businesses away from the internet stuff and also organise events and such.
I have an idea of an internet shop but i shouldnt write it over the internet cause god knows someone will steal the idea.



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