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Friday, December 10, 2010 7:41 PM

Things im saving up for:
- A house
- Holiday to Mexico
- University

Those are honestly the only things i want in the long run.
Sure, theres more but i cant think of them on the spot atm.

I honestly dont know what to do after school. Theres university but Events isnt the only area i wanna be in. There's Business making, TV hosting, traveling expert...yadda yadda.
I just want a career that doesnt focus on the same activities everyday. I want everyday to be a complete surprise and an eye opener. I'm sure many people want this too but i just realised i wanted that right now when i typed it.

I wanna jump from one thing to another. Go from number one journalist to helpful nurse to a dramatic actor all the way to a superhero.

Actually you know what? To actually fulfil that whole 'day by day surprise' shit ive been yapping on about, i should just live life and see where that leads. I'll have a direct route that im sure to take but then just wait for the turn or exit lane. Yeah, i like that idea.

I apologise if i have wasted any of your time reading this pointless post. I just type what comes to my mind. Seriously- this what popped into my mind. Thats probs why it doesnt make quite much sense.



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