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Wednesday, October 20, 2010 10:08 PM

Nothing has happened today.
But for some reason i had the sudden need to blog.

You know whats really awkward?
Walking down the hallway to get to class or to your locker.
It's so awkward.
Like you see a friend and you just don't know whether you should smile or say hi or not.
And if you do say hi or whatever, you don't know whether theyre going to say or gesture anything back.
Really awkward.
I swear, i smiled at so many people today and i didnt get any response back.

Glee's episode was odd. Really out of the blue. I didn't like it.
It's starting to get degrading. But i'll still watch it.

You know what baffles me? (Thumbs up for using the word 'baffled')
Why do people throw the word 'love' like it's nothing?
It surprises how fast people say it in relationships.
I mean, does anyone know what it actually means?
I remember watching The O.C (yes, TV reference), it took forever for Ryan and Marissa to say 'I love you'. And it took even longer for Ryan to actually say it back. His first response was 'Thank you'. LOL- cute.

I have had trust issues lately.
Ive told things to my tutor teacher cause well she asked me and i really wanted to talk about it cause i dont really talk about it to anyone till today during Methods class. My tutor teacher ended up telling her other students which are my mates and i was thinking, "The fuck? How dare she?" Violation of trust much?
Ive obviously had my share of mistakes but this is one thing i will not make again. Ive ruled out 2 people in my trust book and will probs continue. God knows. I know who i trust but there will be times where things will go KABLOOMY!

I finished watching Star Wars 1. It was pretty good. Seemed quite short though. I looked for the second one at the library but they dont even have it! SHOCKER! So ive decided to skip it and watch no.3.

I love Yoda. He's so old and wise. LOL. Kinda

I feel like im forgetting to say something but i dont know what.

Ah, would you look at that- things did happen for me after all.



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