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Don't Think, Just Do
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 3:52 PM
BAAAAAAADDDDDD! I may follow that expression at times but goshdang i hate that expression. I mean, if i were more carefree in life, then i would definitely follow that expression but i shouldnt. Doing things without thinking is something that leads to bad endings for me. Oh well....i guess it isn't alllll bad. LOVELY DAY AT WORK TODAY! Worked with someone new- someone who DOES work. This morning, all 5 of my alarms went off and i was still in bed thinking of excuses i can make to get out of work. I only had one- menstrual cramps. I have my period right now (sorry for sharing too much info) and i thought that reason is the best to go with! But i was like in my head, "OMG jenny, stop being such a chicken. Just cause you had 2 bad days doesnt mean this one is going to be. If so, you can take Monday off." So i got up, got dressed and got to work. Today, i swear was like a Saturday. It was so busy. We made at least 800+ and it was only about 2PM. Thats pretty good considering. We definitely made over todays budget but definitely not the week. Hopefully, the chick i was working with today can make at least another 400 to keep us back on track. There was this one chick who came in today wanting to apply for the position as Store Manager. So funny. She was so scared that she even asked me for tips on how to ask the person in charge. I mean she couldve given it to me but i kinda let it slip that i wasnt the person in charge or anything. While i was explaining my awesome tips, she goes, "Why don't you apply for the job? You seem pretty well!", I reply "Hehe, I'm tooooo young to apply for the job- im only 16." Do i look that old? So for like half an hour, she wondered around while i went to help customers. She comes back thinking that the person in charge was back- nope. So she just looked at shoes. And it was during that time where everyone started to come in. It was like a whole rush. Blimey. Jenny came in today!!!! Thank you! She came by cause she was waiting for Russel. Two outings already? NICEEE! (Know what im getting at?) LOL, my name convulses people. Well not 'convulse'. I just like using that word. While i was chatting to Jenny and putting shoes away, Russel called asking where she was- Payless with me. He said he'll come over. Then her phone rang again couple minutes later, he didn't want to come over- apparently with a sad tone? I guess the sight of me convulses people also! LOLLL! So hurt. So today finished well- time went fast too. After i left, Helen and Judy were there looking at phones. LOL. They told me not to go to the circus. Thanks for the tip. Ill wait till they have animals like last time. I went around for a bit and i saw so many 4C'er's. I swear. Theyre everywhere! Rewarded myself with an awesome McFlurry with Oreo bits. YUMMMOOOO! Anyway, im staying away from facebook for awhile. I told myself that this morning on twitter and then BOOM, i came home, facebook. I completely forgot. And i forgot that i did the most unthinkable. I never thought id do this but...oh whatevs, cbf typing it. I hope nothing ruins today. I had so much fun. <$BlogItemBody$> |
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