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I Have Been Sleeping All Day
Wednesday, June 30, 2010 8:59 PM

I feel like such a lazy ass.
A pissed one also.

i really like that fb group-

I'm not ignoring you, I'm waiting to see if you'll make the effort for once.

Ive been pigging out lately on potato chips, dumplings, orange juice and fanta. Gotta love that combination.

Hopefully i didn't miss out on Chuck tonight. I think its on at 10:30PM but i cbf checking.
ABC3 has a lot of good tv shows man. Theres this one show that i think is utterly stupid but kinda cool, "Trapped". It's about these 5 or 6 people in which one is chosen on each level is manipulated to make the team fail the tasks. If they get detected then they face being trapped on the level. Quite interesting.

I was just thinking about Chuck just now. I wish i was a secret agent who works with an I.T nerd guy and then we slowly fall in love. Thatll be cool.

URGH. I hate having convo's with you.

Hmmm...lets just say im kinda excited for Ice Skating but kinda bumbed out too.
I mean ive wanted to go since (i think) last holidays but i dont think its gonna be fun.

I feel like i should do something tomorrow.
But i dont know what.

I love the cast of Harry Potter- so pretty :)

Why you? This has happened twice now!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010 8:29 PM

Im more in a slump than ever.
I hate boys. Im always in sticky situations in which i fall for guys who just wont bother yadda yadda.

So Youre Bored Of Me And Thats Why You Dont Talk To Me
Monday, June 28, 2010 7:13 PM

I am not worthy to talk to you cause i make you bored. So yes, please, dont talk to me on fb chat or msn or even at school for that matter! Please, just totally ignore me like i never existed cause i will definitely do the same to you.
Yes i am quite like a kid but i believe those who do bad things to you deserve what they should have seen coming back.

I had rehearsals today.
And i did my back in. It's giving me the shizz i swear. I can't walk properly.
But the upside to this is that i got to leave early by an hour! Sweet. And when i went upstairs towards the art classes, Media people weren't there anymore so i just left.

I had Korean BBQ yesterday for the first time ever- ive gone before but ive never had the BBQ. IT WAS SO EFFING AWESOME.
Bonus- It was in the city at night. It was for my cousins 25th birthday. I was obviously the youngest there and i totally felt out of place. While they were talking int eh car, it was just all about traveling, becoming accountants, not getting the job they wanted as an analyst of some shit, and all this grown up stuff. I the whole 3 hours, i did not utter a word. It was just uncomfortable. And when i joked to my cousin, i expected laughter but it was only taken seriously. Far out brussel sprouts. My sister fit in perfectly cause shes all about conversation, laughing, smiling like no tomorrow. Its nutters man.
We went to Max Brenner afterwards and we had to sit outside with a smoker sitting right behind me. I wanna try the waffles next time.
I needed to go pee really bad but i had to hold it from the city to sunshine. It wasnt that far but when you need to piss REALLLLY BAD, everythings a far way. In foots, there are all those turns and my goodness, the water in my bladder was just swaying from left to right. OMG MAN! When we came to my cousins, me and my sister dashed into the toilets. I pissed for 45 seconds.


Those 45 seconds where the greatest seconds of my life! The rush and the feeling are only 2 things that i can begin to describe that incredible moment! Nothing can compare! When I dashed through the house to see you there waiting for me, I felt something I never felt before! My heart was pumping fast and my head was spinning of the sight of you. I ran towards you and locked the door...and I took a long 45 second piss.

I really feel like hot chocolate now.

Saturday, June 26, 2010 5:24 PM

OMG!! So i just had work. Just came home.
I came 5 minutes early but realised that i left my glasses at home! FUCK ME!
So then i speed walked home and ran the last block! Came 15 minutes late.

I bought a 500ML can of V cause i was sick of coke. Let me remind you, i start at 12PM till 5PM and i bought this at 12:30PM.
I drank it and it didnt kick in until 1PM. WHOO! HYPE HYPE HYPE!
I was so bloody hyped up, jumping up and down, making weird ass sounds. It was brilliant. We managed to sell more than required! I FINALLY MADE OVER $2000 WORTH OF SHOES! Awesome day today. Seriously man, i would usually be afraid to talk to customers but today it was like me being totally straightforward to them and yadda yadda. It was tres cool.

My cousin walks past cause he finished his shift at Safeway (or should i say Woolworths) so then his mum told me to come out. I skipped out (the V). He's got Virtua Cop on his PS2 WITH THE GUNS! OMG, ITS GONNA BE AWESOME!!! And hes got guitar hero and singstar on his DS (i have no idea how that works but yeah). I was jumping up and down, laughing like crazy. Then Emma pops up and says while they leave "Was that your boyfriendddd?" BAHAHAAH! When i said "NO! Thats my cousin!" she quickly bopped down! HAHAH!

Karen, congrats! You are the first person to comment on my post! EVER!

Now i gotta get ready for church.
Man, my head hurts from all that V.

I Need To Stop Spending Money On Big Mac Meals
11:16 AM

I have work in an hour. But i gotta leave in 15 minutes.
I am so tired!
But next week i won't be cause i have no engtu classes last week! WHOO! Gotta love the holidays.

I was watching Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince last night. Man, it's so good. Not much people like the movies anymore because it's getting pretty dull. I totally understand where thats coming from but when you REALLY watch it and like totally engage yourself in it, the movies are REALLY good. Once the Harry Potter franchise finishes next year, im gonna rush to the stores and buy the DVD box set. Hopefully they keep their original covers cause the ones they have now are shyte!

My feet are freezing cold and i have 30 Rock in the background. Theres so much stuff i want to get done during these holidays.
- Methods catch up
- Engtu Macbeth questions
- Media HSM animation
- I.T exercises(check his blog)
yeah basically it.

And then theres TV shows i need to catch up on
- Glee GaGa episode
- Chuck
- O.C
- 30 Rock

And outings i wanna go to
- Ice Skating
- Camberwell Market
- Movies to watch Toy Story and A Team
I'm gonna try to go out less and spend less

GOAL: Get most shit done during the first week. Unlikely but ill give it a go.

I make all these lists for no apparent reason. Well for me theres a reason- to remind myself.

You make me frustrated!
Friday, June 25, 2010 9:29 PM





Even though i just chatted to you and you said that everything between us is ok, i dont buy it. Neither is it "natural" for us not to talk for weeks cause then someone would at least make the effort to still keep it together, "not die", and the way it was before. So honestly, it actually sounds like you dont want to keep it together, "not die" and keep it the way it was. So,

game over

I have relocated. Again
7:35 PM

Yes, i feel sad about it too but i seriously wanted to revert back to the normal settings of blogger but then the xml was too hard to understand. So then i made a new one-

i killed the radio star again.bs.com

So i created a new blog thingo right? And then i go into the design/template section and then BOOM! these templates pop up and omg, they are pretty. I mean this blogskin im using now is the most simplest one they have! PRETTY HUH?

I just learnt how to export my previous blog posts! AMAZING SHIZZ!

It's still under construction but don't worry! Im working on it! :)

4:48 PM

I love my computer desktop background.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010 4:35 PM

I forgot to drink my apple and blackcurrent juice so i was thirsty till lunch time. :(

Either the penis lamp or the awesome ass flipping number clock from Typo. I have to go either tomorrow after rehearsals or...oh thats it. SHIT! Ok ummmm. Yeah ok, simple enough- ill go tomorrow after rehearsals. Oh man, my mums gonna kill me.

I felt so wooooosssshhhh today. Like i would sit next to someone but then id just think and not talk. So anyone random couldve come up to me and i wouldnt care. I was out of it i guess.

Blood diamond is quite interesting but i'd like to see more shots of leonardo half naked. just the top part! ;)

Time's running out. 2 more days or im done.

If im not at school tomorrow morning, its either two things- im dead from the soccer game or im asleep in my bed and will be coming to school later that afternoon.

I really want to go to the beach and have winter fun!
I wanna walk in the soft sand
I wanna shout on the top of my lungs
I wanna run towards the water and strip to my bathers (haha! you thought i was just strip down? puh-lease. who do you think i am? wait that doesnt make sense. nevermind)
i wanna wrap myself in a blanket and watch the sunset
i wanna set up a bonfire
then i wanna set up a tent and sleep soundly.

I wish i was like an american kid. Socialising (not that way!), going to pep rally's, taking a jazillion pictures (not those posing kind but actual pictures- oh how i wish for that), hugging with no awkwardness, pumping it out at concerts (oh wait, i already do that! haha), and vice versa. Sure, you dont have to be an american kid to do all this stuff but id like to...have that? Make sense? Probs not.
But don't get me wrong- i like my life but i wish there was more to it than waking up and having the same routine over and over again. Because while im still young and awesome, id like to try different things each day- like go to the movies straight after school, fall flat on my face while going onto the bus (i dont want that to happen actually!!), walk home with someone, sing in front of a crowd, dance on the street at night time (can only happen in movies cause you have the music in the background. if youre on the street dancing at night time, people would think youre drunk or on drugs), ummm..what else?
I guess im not really all that happy with life but not that sad about it that ill go emo about it. Jeez. I just want more out of life i guess.

I should get out and do shyte.

You're a jerk and i hate you.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010 6:34 PM

Oh everytime i close my eyes, I see my name in shiny lights!

I love her voice! And as a bonus, she's British!

Does anyone want to do a cover with me?? I really want to make a new one!!!

Ok seriously, whats everyone's problem towards me huh?

Monday, June 21, 2010 7:46 PM

This is just getting tiring and utterly ridiculous.

4:05 PM

So umm...

Today was a "hot and cold, yes and no, in and out, up and down" day.
Boys come up to me to talk to me. And then i catch them and eat them for dinner.

I swear, no one understands my humour. It's basically movie humour.
So i was waiting after school at the lockers and then Jimmy asks "Why did you change your locker?". I reply "Cause i wanted to". Then i jokingly say "Why, miss me?". EVERYONE WENT SILENT AND TURNED AROUND TO LOOK AT ME. Seriously? Then Lisa says to me "Don't flatter yourself." Truth be told, I got po'ed.
You can't sense that im joking?? Man, im never gonna joke to people again. Cept you, you, you, not you, you, definitely not you and so on and so forth. No one ever gets it!!

Just waiting till five o' clock for something to happen.
Hopefully something good WILL happen.

Couple more days till holidays.
Plans? Yes indeedy.
Movies- The A Team and possibly Toy Story
Korean BBQ
Ice Skating with my group seeing as the other group already arranged a day (still kinda peeved off with that)
Finish the O.C
Finish 30 Rock
Catch up with Methods, English andddddddd....yeah thats it.

Walked to school in the freezing ass cold. I SWEAR, IT WAS LIKE 8 DEGREES. I know this cause i checked the weather on my phone. HAHHAA! Came to school with my face feeling like you have a face mask on (where you can't move your face. get my gist?) and my hands were like ice blocks! Complained to Trang and Linda and then walked to my locker. OMG FINALLY GOT MY FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS DVD BACK after many many months! Thanks Russel!
Completely forgot that my locker was on the other side.

Looking at the time on my laptop tick tick away.
6 minutes left.

Yeah ok, its not literally ticking but i just wanted to write that in!

I feel like coffee right now.

It's 5 o' clock and nothing happened. Thought as much.
But its all good.

Saturday, June 19, 2010 11:38 PM

One of my favourite songs made into an freaking absolutely awesome cover:

ive left this open for exactly 24 hours.
since 11:38PM till 11:38AM.
kinda freaky huh?

7:50 PM

Ok, let me make this fast! DOT POINT FORM!

- work was shyte
- lisa apparently saw me but didnt come in to say hi
- national treasure is on right now!! I LOVE THAT MOVIE!

- bought 30 rock season 3!
- finished watching how to train your dragon- great movie!
- ill upload some vintage clothing pics later on tonight (if i cbf)
- these people came to the door this afternoon talking about God and stuff. Kinda freaked me out
- forgot my damn phone all day! felt disconnected with the real world (hhaahha...WORD PLAY 5!)
- i love cake
- i think i have tutor tomorrow :(
- im so scared of telling my tute teacher my results for exams (65%- tech and 55%- non tech) FRICKIN FREAKING OUT!
- yeah, thats basically it


Friday, June 18, 2010 10:17 PM

Just looking at his name thinking "You gonna talk to me?"
He was busy before- red.
Now he's available- green.

I feel like Costco cookies.
God those things are good.

I swear i am such a loser- ive blogged, i think, 3 times today.

I accepted this friend request thingo and then they gave me 4 other suggestions. There was this dude- he was pretty hot. Not cute cause he was quite buff. Man, that guy is connected to most people i know. Freaky shizz man. I remember he made a blog cause i remembered his name. Then i looked at his profile thingo- married to this chick, Damn. HAHAHA!

6:02 PM


4:49 PM

You make me go boom boom boom!
Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova
Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova.

School was better today. I was glad.
I keep forgetting that my locker is now on the other side!

Youre probably the first that ive thought that looks don't count- it's the personality that does.

I don't like this weather- windy as hell.

It's making me get a headache.

Went to eat Macca's after school. Ahhh, really hits the spot. THEYRE NOT GIVING OUT THOSE FIFA GLASS CUPS NO MORE!! OMG I DONT HAVE THE RED BLUE AND GREEN ONE!!! So sad :(

Went to Vi's after that with Karen. I swear, her house was hard to find but it was so freaking awesome. Her house is basically a hollywood mansion! Ok, her theatre room wasn't exactly what i thought. I had a darker, carpet, projector kind of thing as a theatre room but her one was still good. The chairs are comfy!
Watched How To Train Your Dragon! Was going to watch it at Hoyts (yes they apparently still have it- according to their website) but luckily Trang had it. Saved myself ten bucks :)
Havent finished the movie yet but i will tonight! And i will also watch James Bond- Quantum of Solace or whatever it's called. I feel like an action night. Sadly i don't have popcorn so ill eat chocolate and eat chips and drink orange juice in my new FIFA cup.
Shall be a good night

Anymore news?
I guess not.

I feel like going shopping. But i think it'll be better to stay at home and do... well basically nothing.

I need a hair cut.

Thursday, June 17, 2010 7:44 PM

I initiated.
It began with OH!

I've been chosen for this ICT excursion thingo with Ianne and other people. Apparently its kinda like the Amazing Race but I.T version. We get i.T like clues and go over the city. KICK ASS!


nothing to be said.

The human centipede is shyte. I watched the trailer the first time and i was thinking "WTF is this shit?". I watched it a second time "Frick, im scared now!"
I can't believe i watched it, paused at some horrific looking scenes, wikipedia-d it and then watched it again!
What the heck was i thinking?

So tomorrow is casual clothes day. I wanna go out afterwards. But with late plans, i don't think anyone would go. :(

I have planned a night of movie-ing and eating till my belly pops.
For tomorrow shall be a good day.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010 8:56 PM

I can't chat with any of you anymore because whenever i do, its not how you would usually approach the conversation.

6:16 PM

It's funny how one hug can turn your day around.

Had a shyte (another word for shit but pronounced 'sh-ight') day until rehearsals came. Surprising right?

Photos have finally been uploaded to the nation events website! ABOUT TIME!
Honestly, photos turned out shyte. So next year, im gonna get smaller group photos with the people i want to.

Yesterday's BBQ was quite fun.
OMG!! FLASHFORWARD IS AWESOME!! I love that show. I came out feeling that this was my flashforward. Doesn't make sense does it? HAHHA!
Anywho, food was awesome, friends came time to time and left time to time so it wasn't so full and crowded and noisy.

She got great gifts too! SHE GOT GOLD CLASS TICKETS! But for two people- her and her friend. DAMN! And she got an oroton umbrella and purse thingo, and ZUMBA! AND A KARAOKE MICROPHONE! Freaking awesome.

I want gold class tickets!!! But at village. Hoyts is shyte.
Hmm, what else so i want? I want a picnic, the disney vault movies (the classics!), that TBAR shirt that says "Maths ruined my life"...
You know how when you were a kid, before that whole "Can i chip in?" nonsense happened, the birthday kid got a jazillion gifts from everyone? I WANT THAT! I know that sounds really selfish and shyte but doesn't everyone like gifts?

Man, you are so annoying in pictures.

So bored.
Need to cut my claws.

Monday, June 14, 2010 2:03 PM

I am so freaking tired.
Ok, so this is how it went:

Stayed up all night till 8AM when i decided to give up and sleep.
Been up for a full 24 hours. WHOO! i think this is the third time that it's happened.

So from 7PM-11PM, i was on the net all day. Then at 12AM, me and Judy watched 30 Rock for about 3 hours.
3AM-4AM: Started to get tired but kept strong!
Man, Socceroos we're kind shite but at least we tried! Im proud but not as proud as i would be if they won! It was stupid strategic moves especially in defence and shooting. JUST BECAUSE TIM CAHILL IS FREAKING AWESOME, IT DOESNT MEAN YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE FOR THE FIRST HALF AND EXPECT HIM TO SHOOT A JAZILLION GOALS! ITS TEAMWORK PEOPLE! Throughout the game, i spotted some hot players- Lucas Neill, Podoloski, and Muller. Smexy. ;)
6:30AM:Game finished with 4-0.
okay germany, you've scored enough for tonight...no one likes a show off.
On a brighter note, at least we didn't score any own goals..

I drank some coffee in the process. OH! bad idea... O__O
6:30AM-7:00AM: Reading Shop Til You Drop. I found Alisha's dress from formal. It's so beautiful!
7:00AM-8:00AM Watched Basketball Finals (Game 4?), Boston Celtics vs. LA Lakers! Ive been supporting the lakers for a bit now but then i thought to myself "They keep winning, whats the fun in that?". So then ive been searching for another team to support. But i couldnt help but support them in this game. They didnt do so well in the first quarter even though they matched up with Boston's points at about 12/13? I flipped channels and saw that Lizzie McGuire was on TV!! OMG MAN! Then after that was Figaro Pho and then after that was ARTHUR!! I slept during Arthur thinking to myself that i can wake up in a couple minutes to see how basketball was going. Shouldve known that i was lying to myself! I woke up at 11AM.
11:00AM Been awake ever since and im dead tired! Currently having the BBQ outside. Took so many pictures man! HHAHAH! Ill upload them later tonight.
I fooled my sister 5 times now that her friends were here. HAHAHHAAH! I LOVE FOOLING PEOPLE! (cough cough, Karen) hahaha.
Been out in Sunshine twice now. Hmmm, what else?
I think thats it.

Ill keep you posted! ;D

5:20 AM


12:29 AM

My mum woke me up at 7.
I reluctantly got out of bed, thinking of what i should wear for church.
I went to the kitchen, asked my mum "Why did you wake me up so early? Mass is it 9AM!"
My mum was sweeping and she said to me "You idiot, its 7 at night!"
I looked outside and saw that it was pitch black!

Sunday, June 13, 2010 9:33 PM

I'm. Not. Over. You.
And i know that i should be.
And i know that i never will.

I love music right now.
After retrieving all this old music from my ancient computer (well the music ain't that old), ive been listening to the music non stop! AHHHH.

The terms almost over. Im not couting the fact that the next two weeks is semester 2.
Its almost over. And i'm almost over.

I think i might develop the formal photos (from FB) and get a large professional photo and make a collage. I have absolutely no photos of friends. How sad right?

I love this photo! How hard were we partying?

Im so excited for tomorrow! Well kind of. Tomorrow is my dear sisters birthday and shes making a BBQ. Who cares about the weather? Any time is great for a BBQ! She's inviting her friends but seeing as many have exams going on right now, some of them can't make it (YESS!) Anyway, my cousins are also coming over with their awesome gift! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! CAN'T WAIT!
Ill take a picture of it tomorrow and upload it cause its THAT cool.

J E N N Y T R A N I S A W E S O M E.

Saturday, June 12, 2010 9:04 PM

I miss you



Im starting to get really freaked now.
Love is suicidal?
Gosh, WTF man?

12:17 AM

"When you say you love love me
I can feel your heart beat beat
race behind my chest..."
Oh Gabe, you just make me happy :)

Friday, June 11, 2010 4:19 PM

I had fun yesterday. Until i saw formal pictures uploaded to FB that i realised that it wasnt THAT MUCH fun.

Came to rehearsals late by half an hour, wait- an hour actually. Everyone else was apparently already there.
Got a phone call from Mr.B (how the fudge did he get a hold of my number anyway??) Freaking freaky man. Well then i got out of bed, got ready and out to school for rehearsals. Today was actually fun. Better than other days. :D
I love teasing people. Its fun.

Seriously, talking to some people is just pointless.
1. You say something but then they just ask you what you JUST answered!
2. You talk to them but they don't respond.
3. You speak to them but they just a face instead of saying words.

Im tired and hungry. So im gonna lie in my comfy bed, wear my sweats, with a cup of warm ass delicious (and well needed by the way) coffee with the laptop watching The O.C! Hmmm...or maybe a comedy cause i need some laughs right now.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010 4:54 PM


Thats right. I.T went pretty well. Just hope the teacher can read my chicken scratch handwriting. Good luck sir.
It was so funny: It was all quiet in the room and then suddenly you hear a phone ring! HAHHA! Omg, everyone looked up from their papers. A teacher was walking towards the sound, stopped at a student and EVERYONE WAS LOOKING DIRECTLY AT HIM! hahahhaha. I dont think he was the one with the phone cause nothing actually happened to him. The teacher just made that "Nothing going on here" hand wave and everyone laughed. Funny shit man.
Then when we were told that the exam had finished and that we can get up, my class started cheering their asses off! HAHAH!
Yes, exams have officially finished for me. Now i can relax my butt off with movies.
I got my harddrive back so its a definite movie night for me tonight. Oh reminder: Chuck @730PM/8:30PM. Must tune in tonight seeing as ive missed 2 weeks of it! :'(

Formal is tomorrow! Yay! Yeah not really. I dont know im just suddenly not looking forward to it anymore.
Have to get so much done in so little time:
- the make up
- the hair
- the nails
- the dress
- the shoes
- the jacket
- the purse
- the shit that goes IN the purse
- the camera
- the uhhhhh...TICKET!

yeah thats all i could think of. Thats a whole heap for just one night.
But id probably be really into it tomorrow. Just gotta be patient.
Gonna watch The O.C or maybe 30 Rock while doing my nails.
Then shower, hair shit, make up shit, take it all off, sleep.
Go out tomorrow morning, eat Maccas for breakfast, go buy any crap that i need, home, get ready, get everyone here, go to the place, dance, eat, home, shower, DVDs, sleep.
wake up, rehearsals, home, eat, sleep.
wake up late, work, home, eat, dvds, sleep.
wake up, church, out, home, dvds, sleep.
Monday? Hmmm....RELAX with DVDS! OH CHYEAH!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010 10:07 PM

Awesome Shizz :D

I.T- last session of the last day of Year 11 Exams. Just brilliant. I think im screwed. I feel like im screwed.

Been watching The O.C all night. PURE BRILLIANCE.
I love Ryan Atwood. So smexy.
I have no idea why i say that now! I don't say sexy but smexy instead.
I guess cause it sounds really cooler.

Him: hi
Her: hi
Him: how are you?
Her: good. how bout you?

I love simplicity.

Im kinda freaked for Formal now. I don't have anything prepared. I mean sure, ive got the dress, the shoes but not the makeup (re thinking it), the hair, the nails, the purse, the jacket! aiyo!
Ill get ready tomorrow and if i need more shizz, then ill go highpoint on thursday morning and try to get everything ready.

I love my cousin, he is hilarious.

Some dude:
Hey man! I saw you the other day working!!
Cousin: ok, cool story.


Had the photos done for HSM Musical today. So i went to and from school twice today! Crazy.
I had my exam in the morning so i kinda struggled getting out of bed (day before i slept in). Came to school, did the exam, stayed back for 2 hours for no apparent reason. Went into the library with the chickas and i was just sitting there blank- looking outside the window. My eyes are like attracted to sunlight of something man. Anyway, so it was at 12PM that i decided to go home. So i got up, and just left. No byes. Linh saw me leave- thanks for noticing.

Oh yeah, during the exam, i kept blanking out and started daydreaming about seriously weird scenarios! I loved it but it was hard trying to focus on the damn exam.

Went out in somewhat of a miserable state. I think i figured it out: If no one talks to me, i just feel blank and miserable. I need someone to keep me entertained man.
Anyway, went out of school, thinking about crap and then i see Aaron. Wished him a happy birthday, talked outside for a bit and then i decided to finally GO HOME! I walked pretty slowly listening to my AWESOME music. Nah i lied, my musics not that awesome. I like all that old school/pop music. Need more of them.

Came home and forgot my sister was at home. So i was all bluh with my earphones in my ears. Completely ignored her.
Went to get my outfit for the musical ready. Didn't want to fuss over it cause i wanted to sleep and watch The O.C. So i did exactly that. Got crap from my closet and draws, and done. Packed my bag ready for later. Climbed into bed, watched The O.C and then slept for an hour and a bit. Best nap ever.
I woke up at 3 (takes me 20 minutes to walk). I was kinda going to be late but it was alright. All good.
My face was so red and i had a headache cause i was sleeping under a lot of blankets cause it was freezing. Walked all gloomy like. Sad really.
Got to school kinda on time. Man, girls take forever to change their freaking clothes. I mean seriously? I took like 3 minutes to change from my many layers into my denims, shirt, jacket and shoes. Nah i shouldnt say that. Oh wells.
I took pictures on my bad side. Pictures are gonna be awful! Boo. Oh wells, again.

Hmm so anything else?
OH RIGHT! Olivia's gotten our Sailor Scouts outfits! WHOO! Heading over tomorrow morning (8AM! :0) to try them on. Reminder to self: BRING WIG!
Hmmmm, i really wanna go to Maccas to eat breakfast- nah that can wait till Thursday morning. That is if i get up or not :S
Off to sleep? Do homework? Youtube some more? NO idea.

Monday, June 7, 2010 6:14 PM

I seriously cannot do anything right!
I called up the Mambo's place to order pizza but the call just keeps getting cut. WTF?
The my sister calls them up, everythings good- she orders the pizza and done!
WHAT THE FUDGE MAN? What did i do to deserve this?

Sunday, June 6, 2010 4:16 PM

All this stupid fucking shit with tutor is driving me nutters.
I swear to Gosh, my parents are fucking crazy to keep pressuring me to study just because its VCE.

I hated co thanh's tutoring. I only went there cause it was close and Karolyn went there so i had a friend that i would actually talk to without feeling intimidated by all those other people in the class. We would learn about God knows what. I hate the fact that we dont focus on maths school work but instead we do a completely different chapter and they expect us to do the fucking homework. Fucking kidding me?

At Nhung's, its better but expensive and far. She's a first year uni student who i can relate to cause of the age thing and shit. And even if shes in uni, she has a clearer mind to Maths and especially how my mind works cause i can't explain things for shit.

I fucking hate tutor. Tutor is either a bludge or a waste of money. Honestly, who has ever said "I love tutor" to their parents. If they did, they were probs lying.

This is my education. Even though i dont go every week, is there seriously a point to go every week and wasting what? 30 bucks on nothing?? I could buy clothes and shoes with that money.

For fucks sake, why dont you just make up my mind for me seeing as you constantly say "Its your education so you can make up your mind" but then you tell me off for jebus knows what.

If i cannot find anyone to go with me every week (hardly doubt i will) then im fucked to go back to co thanh's.

For Fucks Sake.

Im seriously so pissed that im shaking of anger.
Go think whatever you want.

Saturday, June 5, 2010 11:26 AM

Nanananana BATMAN!

Karen, me and you are like the coolest people ever.

Hmmm...I don't know.
Do I? Or don't I?
Should I? Shouldn't I?
YES! Wait...No.
Why not.
Ill give until the end of the term.
We'll see how it goes.

It's so effing cold.
My hands are like frozen

Friday, June 4, 2010 8:38 PM


into a vampire!

I just finished watching the last episode of Vampire Diaries that i missed yonks ago! OMG it was unbelievably awesome! I want to be stuck in a fire (only if i have some sort of super power or was a secret agent of some kind). THAT EPISODE WAS AWESOME!

I still can not get over it. Amazing shit man.

So exams went well today. Hopefully. Had my Media and Standgen that i actually did not study for. Well i mean, i opened my book and looked at the questions during ad-breaks. I can't help it if The Amazing Race and Flashforward are such awesome TV shows. I can't help that.

Now im gonna bludge till Sunday.
Gonna start my O.C dvds while wearing my awesome O.C visor. Thats right. Im gonna wear a visor, during winter and inside the house. I am such a nutter.

Do cats have their period?

Oh Karen you crack me up.

Thursday, June 3, 2010 10:24 PM

I think i wet my pants!

Nah im kidding with ya! BUT MY LIFE LONG DREAM HAS COME TRUE! well almost.
OMGOMGOMGOMG! I couldnt enter the national search cause it was only for America so now, im gonna be able to do it for Australia this time! OH FUDGE YEAH!

REALLY cheesed off.

4:28 PM


Now i have completed 4 exams out of 8. Im half way there.
Now ive got the bludge-y subjects: Media, Standgen, Economics and I.T (im so effed for I.T)
Ive still got to study!!


The pimple on my face is growing, expanding, and getting redder. OMG. Go away!

I really want to watch my movies and tv series. SOOO BADDD! Can't wait till next Monday and Thursday. Thursday more though. No school, sleep in, TV all day, eat all the junk i want, make up, dress up and FORMAL BABY!

My bedtime story last night was the Holy Bible.
I got bored so i went over my sisters room and read to her Matthew's Infancy Story: "Ok, now for our bedtime story" *pops the Holy Bible onto my lap* "Abraham the son of Isaac...." She burst out laughing. Ah, good times.

Honestly, im quite liking this week. No classes but instead we do exams. Sure it more stressful but we get to go home early. It's awesome. I should really do as much as i can to make this week count. Next week doesn't count cause it's not that stressful.

Im gonna go revise for Media and start making my standgen cheat sheet. Im kinda freaked for it actually.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010 4:12 PM


Success? Sure. Bludge? Yeah ok!

Did pretty well. As not awesome as i had hoped but anything is good enough for me.
Now im gonna nap. Or should i study a bit and have a gooooood night's rest?
Yeah ill try the second one.

Heads up! Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 out in cinemas in November! YEAH! BIRTHDAY!

You and me, can't you see, we're playing with FIRE!

Quote of the day:
It doesn't matter. Who is without a flaw?
Ok, not so much a quote but more of a piece of text. Oh whatevs, i think its true.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010 7:13 PM

Studying is a bitch.

I went home early today (from rehearsals). I left half an hour early cause i wasn't doing anything and well...i had to study for stupid exams.
Came home and first thing i did- net. OMG!! I cant get away from it.
I upgraded my net so now ive got 7GB per month! YAY! But theres stupid extra costs for extra usage. Hate that. So i have to watch how i use my net gbs.

I uploaded a new video. Crazy- 1 view in the past 21 hours. HAHAHHA!
Actually, thats sad.
I had my hot sexy sick voice on and now my throat is giving me the shits.

I was chatting to Ian last night, telling him how ive been procrastinating so bad that i told him my super uber full proof (not really) plan. Wake up really early in the morning, get to school super early to study and bludge throughout the day.
I slept feeling awesome.
Today, i woke up at ~9AM. I OVERSLEPT AND WAS LATE AS HELL TO SCHOOL! So much for that super uber full proof plan. OMG.
I think this is my 3rd late and i think im getting a detention for next semester. Great. Just perfect.

The thing was, i was really alert today. I did my work and kinda listened to teachers teach. So proud. I got a full 9 hours of sleep. Finally!!

Dear self,
Im sorry ive been a bitch lately
I promise to make up for it with lots and lots of fun on the holidays.
So in return, please let me do well in these exams.
Im not thinking like 100% or anything, even though thatll be awesome
But please let me do well.
From self.

"Where you going?" "Up your ass" "Oh ok, i think its kinda clean up there. Have fun!"

Oh i wish youd go on for a bit and talk to me.

I will wake up, go to school, do the exam and will not feel sad!
I will make tomorrow a success!
I will talk to him and ask how he went!
I will encourage myself to do better on the other exams!
I will go home and eat!
I will study until 7:30PM because Chuck is on then!
I will then study some more because im a loser!
I will then watch TV/DVDs and enjoy my night!
I will be nice!!!



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